CD Stands For : Canadian Forces Decoration | Certified Director | Companion Dog | Cow Dung | Cookie Dough | Corn Dog | Cannot Decide | Cell Designation | Compact Disc | Cyber Dad | Carl Dinkelacker | Carnal Desire | Carrel Dakin | CD definition | Certainty And Dependability | Chalmers Datenforung | Changing Directory | Character Death | Child Development | Cirrus Design | Civil Defence | Civil Disobedience | Class Document | Classy Dragapella | Clearly Digital | Cluster Differentiation | Cluster Of Differention | Coarse Decision | Cold Dead | Cold Deadapril | Cold Deadraising | Collect Data | Collection Dinosaur | Community Development | Compact Dog | Complex Desires | Computer Designed | Congressional District | Conservancy District | Consolidated Design | Constant Depression | Corps Diplomatique | Cortrel Dubousset | Couche Dur | Crouch Dash | Curmudgeons Danny | Current Directory | Current Disease | Cuse Drummer | Customer Definite | Cycle Day | Candela (Luminous Intensity)