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What does CD mean?

This page is all about the meaning, abbreviation and acronym of CD explaining the definition or meaning and giving useful information of similar terms.

CD Stands For : Canadian Forces Decoration | Certified Director | Companion Dog | Cow Dung | Cookie Dough | Corn Dog | Cannot Decide | Cell Designation | Compact Disc | Cyber Dad | Carl Dinkelacker | Carnal Desire | Carrel Dakin | CD definition | Certainty And Dependability | Chalmers Datenforung | Changing Directory | Character Death | Child Development | Cirrus Design | Civil Defence | Civil Disobedience | Class Document | Classy Dragapella | Clearly Digital | Cluster Differentiation | Cluster Of Differention | Coarse Decision | Cold Dead | Cold Deadapril | Cold Deadraising | Collect Data | Collection Dinosaur | Community Development | Compact Dog | Complex Desires | Computer Designed | Congressional District | Conservancy District | Consolidated Design | Constant Depression | Corps Diplomatique | Cortrel Dubousset | Couche Dur | Crouch Dash | Curmudgeons Danny | Current Directory | Current Disease | Cuse Drummer | Customer Definite | Cycle Day | Candela (Luminous Intensity)

What is CD?

There may be more than one meaning of CD , so check it out all meanings of CD one by one.

CD definition / CD means?

The Definition of CD is given above so check it out related information.

What is the meaning of CD ?

The meaning of the CD is also explained earlier. Till now you might have got some idea about the acronym, abbreviation or meaning of CD. What does CD mean? is explained earlier. You might also like some similar terms related to CD to know more about it. This site contains various terms related to bank, Insurance companies, Automobiles, Finance, Mobile phones, software, computers,Travelling, School, Colleges, Studies, Health and other terms.