PEACE Stands For : Peace Education And Action Community Endeavor | Peace Education And Community Effort | People Empathy Amnesty Calmness And Enrichment | Perceive Everyone As Christ Everywhere | Placer Extends A Caring Environment | Positive Energy Alternative Cooperative Environments | Positive Energy And Caring for Everyone | Pride Education Advocacy Communication And Equality | Program For Emotional Academic And Consultative Education | Promoting Empathy And Compassion Everywhere | Promoting Equality And Community Everywhere | Puppets Every Adult Child Enjoy | Peace Education And Cultural Exchange | Peers Encouraging A Caring Environment | Physical Education Among Children Everywhere | Please Encourage A Childs Education | Promoting Education And Creative Excellence | Proper Education Always Create Energy | Protect Educate Aid Children Everywhere | Parent Education And Custody Effectiveness | Prevention Education Advocacy For Change And Empowerment | Prosecutors Encouraging Agreements For Community Effectiveness | Parents Encouraging A Christian Education | Personalize