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A&P Stands For : Air frame and Power plant


A/C Stands For : Aircraft | Aircraft


A/D Stands For : AeroDrome


A/G Stands For : Air to Ground


A/P Stands For : Airport | AutoPilot


A/THR Stands For : Autothrust


AAB Stands For : Airfield Administration Building | Airport Administration Building | Acronyms Are Bollocks | Acronyms and abbreviations by | Advanced Automotive Batteries | Always a Bridesmaid | American Academy of Ballet | American Association of Bioanalysts | Anticlinal Aguada Bandera | Architectural Access Board | Asian American Brotherhood


AAE Stands For : Above Aerodrome Elevation | Animal Alter Ego | Atmospheric Air Ejector


AAIB Stands For : Air Accident Investigation Branch | Air Accident Investigation Bureau | Air Accidents Investigation Branch | Aircraft Accident Investigation Board | Aircraft Accident Investigation Branch | American Association for the Improvement of Boxing | Arab African International Bank | Aviation Accidents Investigation Branch


AAIR Stands For : Annual Airworthiness Information Report


AAK Stands For : Accessory Aero Kit


AAL Stands For : Above Aerodrome Level | Airplanes Always Late | All Anime Links


AARG Stands For : Australian Aircraft Restoration Group


AC Stands For : Alternating Current | Aqua Color | Asphalt Concrete | Awfully Crummy | Adriana Cool | Amazing Cat | Anal Catch | Aqueous Coating | Aaron Carr | Aaron Curtis | Action Cat | Albert Clifford | Allan Carl | Andrew Christian | Andrew Colin | Another Cat | Antonio Carlos | Aunt Carol | Aunt Christina | Aunt Cindy | Asherons Call | aircraft carrier | Collier (Auxiliary | Actual Count | ac cobra | Ask com | Acre


ACARS Stands For : Aircraft Communication Addressing and Reporting System


ACC Stands For : Area Control Center | Arizona Chess Central | Accessories | Ah Cannie Cook | Apple Cider Century | A Complete Catastrophe | A Crappy Conference | All Cash Conference | All Crap Conference | All Cupcake Conference | Allegedly Competitive Conference | Always Consider Cheating | Amateur Campus Conference | Another Crappy Call | Association of Cheesy Colleges | Atlantas Chosen Conference | Aisha Clan Clan | aircraft carrier | According ACC Accident | Agricultural Credit Corporation | Air Combat | Airport Consultants Council | Alamance Community College |


ACFMS Stands For : Airframe Cumulative Fatigue Monitoring System


ACFT Stands For : Aircraft


ACME Stands For : Air Craft Marine Engineering | A Company that Makes Everything | Alltime Crappiest Machine Ever | Anyone Can Make Enemies | Amazing Canadian Mountain Expedition


ACMI Stands For : Aircraft Crew Maintenance Insurance | Associate Chartered Management Institute


ACMS Stands For : Aircraft Condition Monitoring System | Associated Clan Macleod Societies


ACR Stands For : Aerodrome Control Radar | A Crappy Ride | Alfa Core Rules | Armored Cruiser | Academy of Court Reporting | Access Care and Resources | Adaptive Combat Rifle | Adobe Camera Raw | Affidavit of Compliance Responsibility | AIDS Community Resources | Alabama Canine Registry | American | American Carbon Registry | American Classic Racing | Association for Consumer Research


ACSEP Stands For : Aircraft Certification Systems Evaluation Program


AD Stands For : Aerodrome | Airworthiness Directive | Anno Domini (Year of Our Lord) | Ante Diem (before the day) | Agility Dog | American Dog | After Dinner | Air Dried | Anti-Dumb | Athletic Dictator | Airworthiness Directive | Alfred Daniel | Aunt Dorothy | Alliance of Destructors | Ancient Dragon | Destroyer Tender (Auxiliary | Andorra | A D | Adult AD | Advertisement AD | apted AD


ADA Stands For : ADvisory Airspace | Another Day Again | A Darling Actress | Ageing Dodering Altzhimic | Another Darn Attorney | Another Dumb Acknowledgement | Advance Deposit Account | American Diabetes | American disabled act | Americans With Disabilities | Audio Design Associates | Developers Academy


ADC Stands For : Air Data Computer | Agility Dog of Canada | Acronym Development Company | Aden Daniel Carl | Area Distribution Center | Adobe Developer Connection | Advanced Direct Connect | After Dark Committee | Agricultural Digital Camera | American Diagnostic Corporation | Analog to Digital Converters | Antwerp Diamond Community | Application Defense Center | application delivery controller | Applied Data Corporation | Area Defense Counsel | Arkansas Department of Correction | Arkansas Department of Corrections | Association Of District Councils | Association of Div


ADDS Stands For : Aviation Digital Data Service


ADELT Stands For : Automatically Deployable Emergency Locator Transmitter


ADF Stands For : Automatic Direction Finder | Auto Darking Filter | Acid Digestible Fiber | African Development Fund | Alliance Defending Freedom | Alternative Display Facility | American Dance Festival | and ADF definition | Applications Development Framework | Archaeology and Development Foundation | Asian Dub Foundation | Australian Drug Foundation | Automatic Dipping and Flushing | automatic document feed


ADI Stands For : Attitude Deviation Indicator | Active Daily Installations | AMALGAMATED DYNAMICS INC | Analog Devices Inc | Application Development Initiative | Applications Desktop Integrator | Association for Direct Instruction


ADIZ Stands For : Air Defence Identification Zone


ADL Stands For : Airside Drivers License (ADA) | Aerially Deposited Lead | A Dumb Level | Applicable Documents List | a dogs life


ADR Stands For : Accident Data Recorder | Alternative Dispute Resolution | Another Dented Rim | Another Driver Retires | Agent D Reaper


ADS Stands For : Automatic Dependence Surveillance | Advertisements | Air Defence Ship | After Dinner Speech | Advanced Design System | Advanced Drainage Systems | Aim Down Sights | Alliance Data Systems | American Depositary Shares | American Dialect Society | Application Definition Statement | Association of Diesel Specialists | Automation Device Specification


ADT Stands For : Advanced Digital Trim | Approved Departure Time | Agri-Business Development Team | A Daft Tosser | Americas Dumbest Technicians | Average Daily Trips


ADTP Stands For : Airshow Data Transfer Program


AEA Stands For : Aircraft Electronics Association | Advanced Extension Awards | American Emu Association | Aussie Elite Assassins


AEBS Stands For : Airport Extreme Base Station | Anarchist Emergency Broadcasting System


AEF Stands For : Aerodromes Environmental Federation


AEIS Stands For : Aviation Employment Information Service | Admission Exercise for International Students | Admissions Exercise for International Students | Atlas Evaluation Inspection Services


AESR Stands For : Aeronautical Equipment Service Record


AESS Stands For : Aircraft Electric Service Station | Architecturally Exposed Structural Steel


AETC Stands For : Air Education and Training Command


AEW Stands For : Airborne Early Warning


AF Stands For : Air Force | AirField | Areometric Filler | Absolutely Fake | After Foundation | Agreed Framework | All Flat | April Fools | After Fall | Absolutely Fantastic | Angry Froggy | April Fool | After Fantasy | After Funimation | Alpha Flames | Anime False | Another Future | Armor Factor | Action Figure | All Fake | Ancestral File | Alan Frank | Alyssa Francine | Aunt Flo | Automatic Focus | After Life | Alpha Federation | Alternate Future | Alternative Future | Anarchist Federation | Axis Future | Stores Ship (Auxiliary | Afghanistan


AFB Stands For : Air Force Base


AFC Stands For : Air Fuel Controller | Air Force Cross | Americas Foundation for Chess | Approved for Construction | Amateur Field Champion | Allied Fest Certificate | Americas Favorite Chicken | Average Frustrated Chump | American Football Conference | Arsenal Football Club | Advanced Facer-Canceler | A Fans Club | Academic Foundations Center | Academics For Companies | Active Field Control | Alaska Fighting Championship | Ali Forney Center | All For Champagne | Angle Flexible Coupling | Army Family Covenant | Art F City | Association of Florida Colleges | average fi


AFCS Stands For : Automatic Flight Control System | Advanced Facer Canceller System | Air Force Civilian Service | Air Force Civilian Services | Alliance for Cell Signaling | American Foundation of Counseling Services | Armed Forces Community Service


AFI Stands For : Assistant Flying Instructor | All For Incomformity | All For Incompetency | Answers For Idiots | Anyone For Insanity | Always Forever Immortal | a flame inside | A Fuggin Idiot | African Fashion International | Alaa For Industry | Alliance for Financial Inclusion | American Fibertek Inc | American Film Institutes | Armed | Armed Forces Insurance | Assets for Independence | Association of Food Industries | Awaiting Further Instructions


AFIS Stands For : Aerodrome Flight Information Service


AFM Stands For : Air/Fuel Mixture | Aircraft Flight Manual | American Federation of Motorcyclists


AFMS Stands For : Automated Fuel Management System


AFR Stands For : Air Fuel Regulator | Air/Fuel Ratio


AFS Stands For : Aerodrome Fire Service | Aeronautical Fixed Service | Automatic Flight System | April Fools Syndrome | Ars Flying Squad | Awesome File System | Archive File Service | Combat Stores Ship (Auxiliary


AFTN Stands For : Aeronautical Fixed Telecommunications Network


AGATE Stands For : Advanced General Aviation Transport Experiment


AGL Stands For : Above Ground Level | Advanced Graphics Libraries | Adventure Games Live | Algoron Gladiator League | Assembled Genetic Language


AGLA Stands For : Alternative Grass Landing Area | Alan Gum Leather Accessories


AGR Stands For : AICC Guidelines and Recommendations | Alpha Gamma Rho | Radar Picket Ship (Auxiliary | Accounting and Governance Risk | Active Guard Reserve | Activit̩s G̩n̩ratrices de Revenus | AICC Guidelines Recommendations | All Greater Rochester | Amicale Groupe Renault | Australian Gold Refineries | Autonomous Ground Robot


AH Stands For : Alert Height | Attack Helicopter | Angry Hump | Asshole | Andy Hilfiger | Augustus Hamilton | Hospital Ship (Auxiliary | Used to fill gaps in speaking | Abg Haji | Address Header | Adrian Hawkins | After Hijrat | After The Headache | Albert Heijn | Albert Hein | Alf Hobo | Alfried Hagedorn | Alter Herr | Amateur Hours | Amiable Head | And Have | Another Hundred | Ant Hell | Anti Halation | Approximately Homogeneous | Ascaris Haemoglobin | Authenticated Header | Axes Handle | The American Herbal | The Augustinian Hypothesis | Ampere Hour


AHAS Stands For : Airborne Hazard Awareness System | Avian Hazard Advisory System | Advanced Handbrake Actuator System


AHRS Stands For : Attitude and Heading Reference System | Agency Human Resource Services | Army Human Resource Systems | Attitude and Heading Reference Systems | Attitude Heading Reference System | Automated Harvest Report System


AIAA Stands For : American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics | Area of Intense Aerial Activity | Adoptionamericans For International Aid And Adoption


AIC Stands For : Aeronautical Information Circular | Aeronautical Information Circular | Alice In Chains | Account Identifier Code | Access Identification Code | Adstream Information Central | Akaikes Information Criteria | An International Community | Appreciation Influence And Control


AIDS Stands For : Airborne Integrated Data System | Acquired Insanity Due to Studies | All In Dead Silence | American Invention to Demonize Sex | American Invention to Discourage Sex | American Invention to Disrupt Sex | Anally Injected Death Sentence | Another Illegal Disease Spotted | As If Doing Something


AILS Stands For : Airborne Information For Lateral Spacing


AIM Stands For : Accident | Aeronautical Information Management | Aeronautical Information Management | Air Inlet Mixture | Agricultural Input Management | Am I Mad | Aussie Instant Messenger | Armies In Miniature | Airplane Integration Meeting | Ambition In Mind | Azeroth Instant Messenger | Act Information Manager | Act Intent And Motive | Action Inspiration Motivation | Activiatin Inquisitive Minds | Advance Infrastructure Mitigation | Advanced Idea Mechan | Affiliates In Motion | Aim Is A Mnemonic | Alice Interactive Mathematics | All Internet Mates | Allen Instant


AIMD Stands For : Aircraft Intermediate Maintenance Department


AIMM Stands For : Aviation Interpersonal Maintenance Management | Advances In Mineral Metabolism | Agp Inline Memory Module | Alliance For Informed Mosquito Management | Antsasian Institute Of Modern Management | Archer In Motion Meeting


AIP Stands For : Aeronautical Information Publication | Aeronautical Information Publication | Airplane Inspection Plan | Artificial Intelligence Power | Academic Internship Program | Advanced Inquiry Program | Aging in Place | Alaskan Independence Party | American Indian Program | American Industrial Partners | American Institute of Parliamentarians | American International Pictures | Archival Information Package | Archive International Productions | Article Index Page | assets in place | Association for Integrative Psychology | Astronomical Image Processing | Auto Immun


AIR Stands For : Airport Improvement Reconstruction | Acheivement In Radio | Annals of Improbable Research | Annals of Improbable Research | Air injection reactor | Acceptance Inclusion And Respect | Accessibility Internet Rally | Adaptive Information Retrieval | Adobe Integrated Runtime | Adopt Innovate And Respond | Advanced Integrated Regulator | Adventist Internet Resources | Advocacy Image And Resources | Aerobatic Inverting Rollercoaster | Aids Information And Referal | Air Is A Resource | Airline | Albanys Indoor Rockgym | Alternate Inflation Regulator | Alternate


AIRS Stands For : Aircrew Incident Reporting System | Acquisition Of Information Resources Statewide | Action Item Reporting System | Advanced Information Retrieval Skills | Advanced Internet Recruiting Strategies | Advanced Internet Recruitment Strategies | Aerometric Information Retrieval System | Aircooled Interstate Rescue Squad | Alliance Icing Research Study | Alliance Of Information And Referral Systems | Animated Infra Red Spectroscopy | Artificial Intelligence Robot Selection | Automated Import Reference System


AIS Stands For : Aeronautical Information Service | Aeronautical Information Service | Agricultural Information Series | Automated Inspection Support | Assault Intelligence Squad


AIZ Stands For : Aerodrome Information Zone | Anti Imperialistische Zellen


ALI Stands For : Airworthiness Limitation Items | Artificial Language Intelligence | Artificial Learning Intelligence | Allison Logan I


ALP Stands For : Aerodynamic Lightweight Performance | A Losing Party | Another Lousy Plane | Australian Losers Party | Anarchy Legion of Pirates


ALRE Stands For : Aircraft Launch and Recovery Equipment | Alberta Land Rover Enthusiasts


ALSS Stands For : Aviation Life Support System


ALT Stands For : ALTitude | Argon laser trabeculoplasty | Anarchists Lunaticts And Terrorists | Anti Labour Technican


AMAD Stands For : Airframe Mounted Accessory Drive


AMC Stands For : Aircrafts Maintenance Corporation | A Major Cost | A Morons Car | A Mutated Car | Aint My Car | Alas | Alcoholics Making Cars | All Makes Combined | American Muscle Car | Another Major Catastrophe | Anti Matter Coins | Armed Merchant Cruiser | Coastal Minesweeper (Auxiliary | A Magnificent Car | A Ministry To Chiropractors | Adult Movie Centre | Alex Marshall Chat | All Mighty Christ | All Models Car | All Motor Car | All My Children | Alpha Moonbase Courier | America Meets Canada | America Mexico And Canada | American Mathematics Competition | Am


AMD Stands For : Aviation Maintenance Department | A Mere Drunk | Advanced Monkeys Developed | Almost Micro Digital | Always Made Defective | Amateur Monkey Farmer | Another Middling Desktop | Another Million Dollars | Atrocious Marketing Disaster | All Must Die | Advanced Maggot Disease | Advanced Microchip Devices | Ahhhhhhh Myyyyyyyy Damnit | Alqua Meta Data | Always Manufacturing Dookie | Always Many Degrees | Amusing Mark Darcy | Applied Micro Devices | Auto Mount Dameon | Automated Multiple Develop


AME Stands For : Aircraft Maintenance Engineering | Accounting Made Easy | Action Methods England | Advanced Machine Engineering | Advancing Mathematical Excellence | Advertising And Marketing Effectiveness | Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering | Allegro Media Extension | Allied Marine Emus | American English | American Methodist Episcopal | Angular Momentum Equation | Annual Managed Expenditure | Anti Mobiele Eenheid | Apprenticeship Mentorship and Entrepreneurship | Arcade Machine Emulator | Arts Media and Engineering | Association for Manufacturing Excellence | Associ


AMEL Stands For : Airplane‰ÛÓMulti-Engine Land


AMIDS Stands For : Aircrew Maintenance Interface Debriefing System


AMO Stands For : Air Movement Operations | Asbury Mount Olive | Advance Material Order | Area Maintenance Office | Abbott Medical Optics | Accredited Management Organization | Advanced Manufacturing Office | After Market Order | American Maritime Officers | American Motors | American Motors Owners | Amway Motivational Organization | Amway Motivational Organizations | Anime And Manga Otaku | Annual Measurable Objective | Annual Measurable Objectives | Archery Manufacturers Organization | Archery Manufactures Organization | Archry Manufactuers Organization | Association Ma


AMRAAM Stands For : Advanced Medium-Range Air-to-Air Missile | Amraamadvanced Medium Range Air To Air Missile


AMSS Stands For : Aircraft Modular Survival System | American Milking Shorthorn Society | Academic Multimedia Support Services | Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science | Adelaide Medical Students Society | Alaska Marine Science Symposium | Alexander Mackenzie Secondary School | Amplitude modulation signalling system | Ancient Mariners Sailing Society | Armory Management and Supply Services | Army Materiel Status System | Asset Maritime Security Services | Auto Moto Savez Srbije


AMST Stands For : Advanced Medium STOL (Short Take-Off and Landing) Transport


AMU Stands For : Audio Management Unit | A Atomic Mass Unit | Absolute Metric Unit | Amazing Magic Understanding | Arbejds Markeds Uddannelser | Atomic Mass Units


AMWC Stands For : Air Mobility Warfare Center | Adaptive Minimum Weight Codes | Alternate Missile Warning Center | Atascadero Mutual Water Company


ANA Stands For : All Nippon Airways | Australian National Airways | American Numismatic Association | A Non-Acronym | Abi Nick Aholics | American Nerd Association | A Nother A | Abbreviated New Animal | Acronyms and abbreviations | Afghani National Army | All Nippon AirwaysåÊ | Anti Neutrophlic Antibodies | anti nuclear antibody | Auto Nuclear Antibodies


ANAC Stands For : Airport Noise Advisory Committee | Aboriginal Nurses Association of Canada | Acoustic Neuroma Association of Canada | AdministraciÌ?n Nacional de AviaciÌ?n Civil | AgÌ»ncia Nacional de Avia̤̣o Civil | Anglican Netherlands Area Council | Animal Nutrition Association of Canada | Association of National Aerobic Championships | Association of Nurses in AIDS Care | Automatic Number Anouncement Circuit | Automatic Number Artofhacking Com | AutoritÌ© Nationale de lAviation Civile


AOA Stands For : Abort Once Around | Absolutely Outrageous Acronym | Assalam-O-Alaikum | Age Of Apocalypse | Ace of Angels | Active Older Adult | Active Older Adults | after orgasm affection | All Over Ayrshire | American Orthopaedic Association | Apartment Owners Association | Arizona Outback Adventures | Art of Athletics | Avenue of the Americas


AOC Stands For : AIRCRAFT OPERATING CERTIFICATE | All-Out Chaos | Academy of the Canyons | Age Of Conan | Age Of Conqueors | AIDS Outreach Center | aile ou la Cuisse | Air Operator Certificate | Alliance of Civilizations | Any Other Colour | Appellation dorigine contr̫l̩e | Areas of Concern | Association of Old Crows | Attention Operating Characteristic | Australian Olympic Committee | Axapta Object Cache


AOCM Stands For : Air Operators Certification Manual | Active Open Contour Model | Adoption Option Council of Minnesota | Agent Oriented Conceptual Modeling | Agressive Online Cost Meter | Air Operator Certification Manual | Airline Operational Cost Management | American Oromo Community of Minnesota | Aquarius Ocean Cargo Management | Army of Central Maryland | Association of Online Community Moderators | Australian Owners Corporation Management


AOPA Stands For : The Aircraft Owners and Pilots Association | Agricultural Operation Practices Act | Aspect Oriented Program Analysis


AOS Stands For : AIRCRAFT OPERATIONS SPECIFICATIONS | America Out of Space | Agent Of Starfleet | Adventures Of Scrabby | Air Observer School | Airbag Occupant Supression | Algebraic Operating System | And Occasionally Soder | Army Of Slipknot | Array Of Structures | Aspherical Optics System | The American Orchid Society


APHF Stands For : Association des Pilotes H̩licopt̬re du Finist̬re


APLMS Stands For : Advanced Power Load Management System
