AA Stands For Alliteration and Assonance| Associate in Arts| Associate of Arts| Acetic Acid| Activation Analysis| Advanced Alloy| Amino Acid| Amino Acrylate| Arachidonic Acid| Ascorbic Acid| Atomic Absorption| Academic Affairs| Advanced Auditing| Alpha Alumni| Alumni Affairs| Ancient Arts| Active Active| Anti Aliasing| Atomic Absorption| Audio Animatronics| Automatic Adjust| Authors Addition| Authors Alteration| Adaptive Algorithm| Almost All| Angle Angle| Argument Analysis| Academic Alliance| Assistant Administrator| Achievement Age
AA DIP Stands For Antillean Academy Diploma
AAA Stands For Angle Angle Angle| Advanced Applications of Accelerators| Asian Art Appreciation| Amateur Astronomers Association| Academic Achievement and Advising| Academics| Arts| Atlantean Academic Archaeologist
AAAC Stands For Academic Achievement Assessment Committee| Academic Affairs Advisory Committee| African American Alumni Council| All Aluminium Alloy Conductor
AAAD Stands For Amateur Astronomers Association Delhi| Amateur Astronomers Association of Delhi| Aromatic L amino acid decarboxylase| Amebsa Academy of Art Desgn
AAAG Stands For Atlantic Arc Aquaculture Group
AAALAC Stands For Association for the Assessment and Accreditation of Laboratory Animal Care International
AAAM Stands For Active Amateur Astronomers of Maryland| Alumni Association of Applied Mathematics
AAAP Stands For American Association of Applied Psychology
AAAS Stands For American Association for the Advancement of Science| African and African American Studies| American Association for the Advancement of Science| American Association for the Advancement of Science
AAAT Stands For Academic Affairs Administrative Team| American Alumni Association of Tanzania
AAB Stands For Aberdeen Abbreviated Browser
AABB Stands For Axis Aligned Bound Box
AABC Stands For Australian Associated Bonsai Clubs
AABF Stands For Ann Arbor Book Festival
AABW Stands For AntArctic Bottom Water
AAC Stands For Area Above the Curve| Aluminum Aluminum Chrome| Amino Acid Chelate| Academic Achievement Center| Asia Advisory Council| All Aluminium Conductor
AAC&U Stands For Association of American Colleges and Universities
AACA Stands For Architects Accreditation Council of Australia
AACC Stands For Avicultural Advancement Council of Canada| American Association for Clinical Chemistry| Academic Advising Coordinating Council| Asian American Coalition Committee| Asian American Comparative Collection| Audio Active Comparative Corrective
AACE Stands For Afternoon Academic Challenge and Enrichment
AACG Stands For Academic and Administrative Coordinating Group| Academic Audit Coordinating Group
AACL Stands For Alberta Association of College Librarians
AACM Stands For Ali Akbar College of Music
AACN Stands For Clinical Issues| Clinical Issues in Critical Care Nursing
AACP Stands For American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy
AACR Stands For Anglo American Cataloguing Rules
AACRAO Stands For American Association of College Registrars and Admissions Officers
AACS Stands For Asbestos Abatement Contractors/Supervisors
AACSB Stands For Association To Advance Collegiate Schools Of Business
AACSR Stands For Aluminium Alloy Conductor Steel Reinforced
AACTS Stands For Australian Alcohol Challenge Twin Study| Academic Affairs Committee for Transfer Students| Automated Accelerated Characterization Test Station
AAD Stands For Antillean Academy Diploma
AADA Stands For American Academy of Dramatic Arts
AADC Stands For Associate Alumnae Of Douglass College| Australian Antarctic Data Centre
AADL Stands For Ann Arbor District Library
AADS Stands For American Association of Dental Schools
AAE Stands For IEEE Workshop on Automotive Applications of Electronics
AAEI Stands For Acogida Al Estudiante Internacional
AAESDA Stands For Association of Architects
AAET Stands For ASEAN Academy of Engineering and Technology
AAF Stands For Anti-Aliasing Filter
AAFI Stands For Academic Affairs Functional Improvements| Australian Academic Friends of Israel
AAFPRS Stands For Fellow of the American Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
AAG Stands For Association of American Geologists
AAGR Stands For As A General Rule
AAGS Stands For Associate of Arts in General Studies| Association of Anthropology Graduate Students
AAHC Stands For Association of Academic Health Centers
AAI Stands For Advanced Artificial Intelligence
AAIF Stands For Advanced Analytical Instrument Facilities
AAIMS Stands For Algebra Assessment and Instruction - Meeting Standards| Arkansas Advanced Initiative for Math and Science
AAIR Stands For Australasian Association for Institutional Research
AAIS Stands For Africana and American Indian Studies| American Academy of Independent Studies| American Association of Italian Studies
AAIW Stands For Antarctic Intermediate Water
AALA Stands For Alberta Association of Landscape Architects
AALAT Stands For Aboriginal Adult Literacy Assessment Tool
AALC Stands For Arizona Andrology Laboratory Cryobank
AALL Stands For African and Asian Languages and Literatures
AAM Stands For Atmospheric Angular Momentum
AAMA Stands For American Architectural Manufacturers Association
AAMB Stands For All American Marching Band
AAMC Stands For Association Of American Medical Colleges
AAMEC Stands For Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College
AAMSU Stands For All Assam Minority Students Union
AAMT Stands For Academic Affairs Management Team
AANMC Stands For Association of Accredited Naturopathic Medical Colleges
AAO Stands For Aktions Analytische Organisation
AAOC Stands For Academic Advising And Outreach Center| Analysis and Application Oriented Courses
AAOE Stands For Airborne Antarctic Ozone Experiment
AAOM Stands For Alternativna Akademska Obrazovna Mreza
AAOU Stands For Asian Association Of Open Universities
AAP Stands For Academic Achievement Plan| Alumni Admissions Program| Association for the Advancement of Psychology
AAPB Stands For Aerobic Anoxyenic Phototrophic Bacteria| Academic Accommodations Policy Board| Association for Applied Psychophysiology and Biofeedback
AAPC Stands For Academic Advancement and Promotions Committee| Academic Affairs Planning Committee| Admissions and Academic Policies Committee
AAPG Stands For American Association of Petroleum Geologists
AAPL Stands For Aero Acoustic Propulsion Laboratory
AAPP Stands For Association of Applied Physicists Pakistan
AAPR Stands For Annual Academic Progress Rate
AAPT Stands For American Association of Physics Teachers
AAPU Stands For Alumni Association Of Princeton University
AAR Stands For Arbitrary Angle Reduction| Affirmative Action Review
AARC Stands For Arctic Antarctic Research Center| Albemarle Amateur Radio Club| Alger Amateur Radio Club| Ames Amateur Radio Club| Aruba Amateur Radio Club| Austin Amateur Radio Club| Advanced Algorithm Research Center| AeroAacoustics Research Consortium| Arizona Alzheimers Research Center| Asian American Resource Center| Autism Asperger Resource Center
AARI Stands For Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute| Aegean Agricultural Research Institute| Alberta Agricultural Research Institute
AARL Stands For African American Research Library| Auburn Avenue Research Library| Australian Academic And Research Libraries| Abilene AI (Artificial Intelligence) and Robotics Laboratory| Anglo American Research Laboratory| Aquatic Animal Research Laboratory
AARP Stands For Alternative Admission Research Project
AARS Stands For Automated Aircraft Reporting System| Asian Association of Remote Sensing
AAS Stands For Asymptotically Almost Surely| Auto Available Split| Advanced Automation System| American Astrophysical Society| Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry| Associate in Applied Science| Associate of Applied Sciences| Advanced Antenna Systems| American Astronautical Society| Archaeology| Atomic Absorption Spectrometry| Atomic Absorption Spectrophometer| Atomic Absorption Spectroscopy
AASA Stands For After A Small Algebra| Asian American Student Association| Atheist And Agnostic Students Association
AASCB Stands For American Association of Schools and Colleges of Business
AASD Stands For African American Studies Department
AASE Stands For Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition| Airborne Arctic Stratospheric Expedition
AASET Stands For Associate of Applied Science in Electrical Technology
AASF Stands For Abhigyan Abhikaushalam Students Forum
AASG Stands For Agnostic and Atheist Student Group| Alaska Association of Student Governments
AASGON Stands For Africa Asia Scholars Global Network
AASH Stands For Associated Alumnae of the Sacred Heart
AASHL Stands For Academic Health Sciences Libraries
AASI Stands For Asian American Studies Institute
AASIU Stands For Agricultural and Aquatic Systems Information Unit
AASL Stands For Aerospace And Autonomous Systems Laboratory