DASS Stands For : Director of Adult Social Services
DASSDASS Stands For : Director of Adult Social Services |
DATDAT Stands For : daunomycin | days after treatment | delayed action tablet | dementia of Alzheimer‰Ûªs type | digital audio tape (!) | direct agglutination test | direct antibody testing | Disability Appeal Tribunal (obsolete) | delivered at term | Diet As Tolerated | delivered at term | Direct Antiglobulin Test | delivery at term | Diagnosis And Treatment |
DATADATA Stands For : Distress Awareness Training Agency |
DAUDAU Stands For : daunomycin | daunorubicin | Day assessment unit | Dental Auxiliary Utilization |
DAvMedDAvMed Stands For : Diploma in Aviation Medicine |
DBDB Stands For : deaf-blind | decidua basalis | deep breath | demineralised bone | dense body | dextran blue | diet beverage | direct bilirubin | disruptive behaviour | distobuccal | DNA binding | dot blot | downstream box | duodenal bulb | Double Blind | Double-Blind | Date Of Birth | Disability | Double Bottom hip |
DBSDBS Stands For : Demographics Batch Service | Diamond-Blackfan syndrome | double blind study | deep-brain stimulation | Deep Brain Stimulation |
DCAGDCAG Stands For : Death Certification Advisory Group |
DCCDCC Stands For : DCC day care center (US) | Deleted in Colorectal Cancer Molecular biology | dextran-coated charcoal | direct clinical care | Direct Current Cardioversion | decompensated cirrhosis |
DCCHDCCH Stands For : Diploma of Community Child Health |
DCDDCD Stands For : dark cell degeneration | developmental cognitive disorder | Diploma in Chest Disease | disorders of cortical development | DISCONTINUED | Donation After Cardiac Death | Developmental Coordination Disorder |
DCFSDCFS Stands For : Directorate of Counter Fraud Services |
DCHDCH Stands For : delayed cutaneous hypersensitivity |
DCLGDCLG Stands For : Department for Communities and Local Government |
DCMSDCMS Stands For : Department of Culture | Duval County Medical Society |
DCPDCP Stands For : Diploma in Clinical Pathology | Diabetes Care Profile | Dynamic Compression Plate | Disease Control Priorities |
DCSDCS Stands For : damage control surgery | dense canalicular system | diffuse cortical sclerosis | distal coronary sinus | Dudley Community Services | dyskinetic cilia syndrome | Dorsal Column Stimulation | dendritic cells |
DCSFDCSF Stands For : Department for Children |
DCTDCT Stands For : daunorubicin | direct contact test | direct Coombs test | direct current | Disabled Children‰Ûªs Team | dynamic CT | Direct Coombs Test | Deep Cryogenic Treatment | Distal Convoluted Tubule |
DCVSDCVS Stands For : Dudley Community Voluntary Service |
DCWDCW Stands For : Data Collection Worksheet |
DDADDA Stands For : Dangerous Drugs Act | descriptive data analysis | dideoxyadenosine | digital differential analysis | Disability Discrimination Act 1995 | Disabled Drivers‰Ûª Association (!) | Dispensing Doctors‰Ûª Association | Dangerous Drug Act (UK) | Dispensing Doctors Association |
DDAM XXDDAM XX Stands For : Diploma in Disability Assessment Medicine |
DDDDDD Stands For : dense deposit disease | dorsal dural deficiency | drug design and discovery | Daily Defined Dose | degenerative disc disease | Defined Daily Dose | Degenerative Disc Disease | Den Danske Dyrlaegeforening ( Danish Veterinary Association) |
DDMDDM Stands For : demineralised dentin matrix | design decision matrix | differential diagnosis manager | Diploma in Dermatological Medicine | Doctor of Dental Medicine |
DDPHRCSDDPHRCS Stands For : Diploma in Dental Public Health |
DEBDEB Stands For : debridement | Dental Estimates Board | dietary electrolyte imbalance | dystrophic epidermolysis bullosa | Diet Exercise And Behavior |
DECDEC Stands For : deciduous | decompose | dendritic epidermal cell | Development and Evaluation Committee | diagnostic episode cluster | Disasters Emergencies Committee | Doppler echocardiography | duct epithelial cells | This term got 24 hits on 05112011 | Diagnostic Evaluation Center | Deceased | Decrease | Desquamated Epithelial Cell |
DEFRADEFRA Stands For : Department for Environment | Department for Environment |
DELDEL Stands For : deltoid | delusion |
DENDEN Stands For : Delay Event Notice | denervation | Dengue virus | Device Experience Network | diethylnitrosamine | doctors‰Ûª educational needs |
DENSDENS Stands For : doctor‰Ûªs educational needs |
DepMACDepMAC Stands For : Deployment Milestone Achievement Certificate |
DESDES Stands For : deadly seven | diffuse endocrine system | distal esophageal sphincter American for distal oesophageal sphincter | drug-eluting stent | Dental Environmental Stress | Drug Eluting Stent | Dermal-Epidermal Separation | Describe | Diethylstibestrol | diethylstilbestrol | Dry Eye Syndrome | diethylstilbestrol |
DESMONDDESMOND Stands For : Diabetes Education & Self Management for Ongoing and Newly Diagnosed |
DevMACDevMAC Stands For : Development Milestone Achievement Certificate | This term got 10 hits on 05112011 Because it was linked to spectacularly failed National Programme for IT |
DFBODFBO Stands For : design |
DFCDFC Stands For : developmental field complex | Director(ate) of Finance and Contracting | dry-filled capsule | Diet & Fitness Center | Dental Fitness Class | Dental Fitness Classification |
DfEEDfEE Stands For : Department for Education and Employment‰ÛÒrenamed DfES ‰ÛÒDepartment for Education and Skills |
DfESDfES Stands For : Department for Education & Skills |
DFFPDFFP Stands For : Diploma of the Faculty of Family Planning |
DFGDFG Stands For : direct forward gaze | Disabled Facilities Grant |
DFTDFT Stands For : defibrillation threshold | dementia of frontal type | density function theory | design fluency test | diastolic filling time | distance from target |
DG5DG5 Stands For : The Public Health part of the European Union |
DGHDGH Stands For : District general hospital | Doctors for Global Health |
DGMDGM Stands For : deleterious genomic mutation | Diploma in Geriatric Medicine | duodenal gastric metaplasia |
DGoHDGoH Stands For : Dudley Group of Hospitals |
DHDH Stands For : delayed hypersensitivity | developmental handicap | diaphragmatic hernia | diuretic hormone | double haploid | ductal hyperplasia | Department of Health | Double Helix | Dental Hygeinist | Developmentally Handicapped |
DHADHA Stands For : District Health Authority | dorsal hypothalamic area | docosahexaenoic acid | docosahexaenoic acid |
DHMSADHMSA Stands For : Diploma in The History of Medicine of The Society of Apothecaries (London) |
DHSCDHSC Stands For : Directorate of Health and Social Care (obsolete) |
DHSSDHSS Stands For : Department of Health and Social Security‰ÛÒwhich was divided into DoH and DSS |
DHTDHT Stands For : District Handicap Team | Dix-Hallpike test | DNA histogram type | DiHydroTestosterone | Dobhoff Tube (feeding tube) |
DIDI Stands For : days of incubation | dead implant | deep inhalation | dental index | dentinogenesis imperfecta | detrusor instability | diagnostic index | diastolic interval | dietary intake | diffusion imaging | Director of Information | Dirofilaria immitis | disability index | disto-incisal | distraction index | dobutamine infusion | donor insemination | dorso-iliac | double immunodiffusion | drug-induced | dyskaryosis index | Direct Injection | Damage Interval | Direct Inject | Diabetes Insipidus | Date of Injury | Diabetes Insipidus | Diagnostic Imaging |
DIADIA Stands For : diakinesis | diffusely infiltrating astrocytoma | Digital Image Analysis | DIAbetic | Diaphragm | Drug-Induced Agranulocytosis | Diazepam | Drug Information Association | Drug Information Association |
DIALDIAL Stands For : Disablement Information and Advice Lines |
DICDIC Stands For : dead in cage | dead in car | dicoumarol | dorsal intercarpal | drip infusion cholangiography | drug information center | ductal infiltrating carcinoma | Drop In Center | Disseminated intravascular coagulation | Death is coming | Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation | Disseminated Intravascular Coagulopathy |
DICEDICE Stands For : Disseminating Information on Clinical Effectiveness | Diagnoses for Intensive Care Evaluation |
DICTDICT Stands For : dictionary | Director(ate) of Information and Computer Technology | Dictation |
DIGDIG Stands For : desmoplastic infantile ganglioglioma | Disablement Income Group | Dog Identification Group | drug-induced galactorrhoea | Dog Identification Group (of the Department of Transport |
DIODIO Stands For : diet-induced obesity | district immunisation officer |
DIPDIP Stands For : desisopropylpropranolol | desquamative interstitial pneumonia | diffuse interstitial pneumonia | digital image processing | Digital Information Policy | diisopropyl phosphate | drug-induced psychosis | Digital Image Pro | Database of Interaction Proteins | Descending Inhibitory Pathway | Distal InterPhalangeal |
DipADipA Stands For : Diploma in Anaesthetics |
DipDermDipDerm Stands For : Diploma in Dermatology |
DIPGDIPG Stands For : Drug Information Pharmacists Group |
DipGerMedDipGerMed Stands For : Diploma in Geriatric Medicine |
DipHSMDipHSM Stands For : Diploma in Health Services Management |
DipObstDipObst Stands For : Diploma in Obstetrics |
DipPaedDipPaed Stands For : Diploma in Paediatrics |
DipSWDipSW Stands For : Diploma in Social Work |
DipUroDipUro Stands For : Diploma in Urology |
DipVenDipVen Stands For : Diploma in Venereology (sexually-transmitted diseases) |
DISDIS Stands For : Departmental Investment Strategy | Diabetes Intervention Study | Diagnostic Interview Schedule | direct immunofluorescence stain | disability | distance | Division of Information Systems | Drug Information System | Delayed Itch Syndrome | Disabled | Disease |
DisCASSDisCASS Stands For : Disabled Citizens Advice and Support Service |
DISPDISP Stands For : Developing Information System for Purchasers | dispensary | Disposition | DISPense |
DISSDISS Stands For : Disability Information Service of Sussex | Disability Information Service Surrey |
DKMDKM Stands For : Deployment Key Milestone |
DLADLA Stands For : Dental Laboratories Association | dermatolymphangioadenitis | diameter of left atrium | Deoxycholate Lactose Agar |
DLCVDLCV Stands For : drugs of limited clinical value |
DLODLO Stands For : Diploma in Laryngology & Otology |
dm+ddm+d Stands For : Dictionary of Medicines and Devices |
DMCDMC Stands For : decision-making capacity | district medical committee | Detroit Medical Center | Downstate Medical Center (NY) | Direct Microscopic Count | Data Monitoring Committee | Diagnose Manage Cure |
DMCCDMCC Stands For : Diploma in Medical Care in Catastrophes |
DMDDMD Stands For : daily maintenance dose | delayed mental development | disease-modifying drug | Drug Misuse Database | Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy | Doctor of Dental Medicine | Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy | Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy |
DMFDMF Stands For : decayed | defective mitotic figures | Disabled Motorists Federation | distant metastasis-free | Drug Master File | Dose Modifying Factor |
DMHEDMHE Stands For : Department of Mental Health for the Elderly |
DMODMO Stands For : District Medical Officer (obsolete) | District Medical Officer | Dental Management Organization |
DMPhilDMPhil Stands For : Master of Philosophy |
DMRDDMRD Stands For : Diploma in Medical Radiodiagnosis |
DMTDMT Stands For : Defence Mechanism Test | Departmental Management Team | digital memory test | Diver Medical Technologist | DNA methyltransferase | dorsomedial thalamus | drug maintenance treatment | dynamometer muscle testing | Decompression Massage Therapy | Dance Movement Therapy | Deep Muscle Therapy |
DMUDMU Stands For : directly managed unit |
DNDN Stands For : denervation | dentate nucleus | diabetic nephropathy | dibucaine number | Diploma in Nutrition | donor number | dysplastic naevus |
DNADNA Stands For : did not arrive | Deoxyribonucleic Acid | deoxyribonucleic acid | Data And Numeric Analysis | DeoxyriboNucleic Acid | DeoxyriboNucleic Acid | Did Not Attend | Deoxyribonucleic Acid |
DNA-CRDNA-CR Stands For : Do not attempt cardiopulmonary resuscitation |
DNARDNAR Stands For : do not attempt resuscitation | Do Not Attemp Resuscitation |
DNDRNDNDRN Stands For : Dementias and Neurodegenerative Disease Research Network |
DNGNDNGN Stands For : Disability Network Group Net |
DNIDNI Stands For : do not intubate (similar to DNR) | Do Not Intubate | Direct Neural Interface |
DNSDNS Stands For : Director of Nursing Services | dysplastic naevus syndrome | DiNitroSalicylic acid | Deviated Nasal Septum | Did Not Show for appointment |
DNWDNW Stands For : DNW Drugs North West |
DODO Stands For : Diploma in Ophthalmology | Diploma in Osteopathy | direct observation | directly observed | disto-occlusive | distraction osteogenesis | Doctor of Optometry | dopamine oxidase | Dissolved Oxygen | Doctor of Osteopathy |
DO HNSDO HNS Stands For : Diploma in Otolaryngology‰ÛÒHead & Neck Surgery |
DOADOA Stands For : date of accident | date of admission | days of age | depth of anaesthesia | Division of Accreditation | drug of abuse | Day Of Admission | dead on arrival | dead on arrival | Dead On Arrival | Dead On Arrival | drugs of abuse |
DOBDOB Stands For : district of business | dobutamine | date of birth | date of birth | Date Of Birth | Donation Of Brain |
DOccMed XXDOccMed XX Stands For : Diploma in Occupational Medicine |
DoFDoF Stands For : Director of Finance | Depth Of Focus |
DOGPEDOGPE Stands For : Director of General Practice Education |
DOLSDOLS Stands For : Deprivation Of Liberty Safeguards |
DOPSDOPS Stands For : direct observation of procedural skills |
DPDP Stands For : deep pectoral | deep peroneal | definitive procedure | degradation product | degree of polymerisation | delta pattern | deltopectoral | delusional parasitosis | dementia praecox | dementia pugilistica | dental papillae | dental pulp | dermal papilla | dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans | desmoplakin | diabetes prone | diabetic polyneuropathy | diazepam | differential pulse | diffuse plaques | diphosphate | Director(ate) of Performance | disability pension | discriminating power | disopyramide phosphate | dispersion pattern | distal pancreatectomy | di |
DPBDPB Stands For : days post burn | Dental Practice Board | Department of Planning and Budget | diastolic blood pressure | dorsal parabrachial |
DPGPEDPGPE Stands For : Director of Postgraduate General Practice Education |
DPHDPH Stands For : Department of Public Health | diffuse pulmonary haemorrhage | diphenhydramine | Diploma in Public Health | Director of Public Health | Director(ate) of Public Health | Doctor of Public Hygiene | ductal papillary hyperplasia |
DPRDPR Stands For : Data Protection Registrar | deletion prone region | Directorate Performance Review | drug price review |
DPTDPT Stands For : Demerol | diphtheria | district planning team | Diphtheria | Multiple carboxylase deficiency | Diphtheria |
DRDR Stands For : death receptor | decerebrate rigidity | delivery room | diabetes resistant | digital radiology | dopamine receptor | drug resistant | Death Rate | Diabetic Retinopathy | Diagnostic Radiology | Doctor | Dorsal Root | Dressing | Doctor (may be a doctor or a dentist) | drachm (=60 grains) |
DRADRA Stands For : Design and Release Authority | dialysis-related amyloidosis | donor-reactive antibodies | Digital Rotational Angiography | Distal Rectal Adenocarcinoma |
DRCOGDRCOG Stands For : Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists |
DRCOG XXDRCOG XX Stands For : Diploma of the Royal College of Obstetrics & Gynaecologists |
DRCOphthDRCOphth Stands For : Diploma of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists |
DRODRO Stands For : Dental Reference Officer | differential reinforcement of other behaviours | Differential Reinforcer of Other Behaviour |
DRSDRS Stands For : Delirium Rating Scale | Dementia Rating Scale | Dental Reference Service | Diabetic Retinopathy Study | disease-related survival | DNA repair synthesis | Dyskinesia Rating Scale | Drag Reduction System |
DSCDSC Stands For : decidual stromal cells | deep superior colliculus | Dental Service Committee | dextran sulphate cellulose | Director(ate) of Strategy & Commissioning | Disability Services Centre | DNA synthetic capacity | Down syndrome child | Differential Scanning Calorimeter | Differential Scanning Calorimetry |
DSCNDSCN Stands For : Data Set Change Notices |
DSMBDSMB Stands For : data and safety monitoring board (data monitoring committee) |
DSSADSSA Stands For : delivering same sex accommodation |
DSUDSU Stands For : day surgery unit |
DTCDTC Stands For : day treatment centre | detailed test of comprehension | Diagnostic and Treatment Centre | differentiated thyroid carcinoma | District TB Centre | dithiocarbamate | Direct-To-Patient |
DTM&HDTM&H Stands For : Diploma in Tropical Medicine and Hygiene |
DTOCDTOC Stands For : delayed transfer of care |
DTSDTS Stands For : danger to self | diphtheria toxin sensitivity | dipyridamole thallium scintigraphy | delirium tremens | delirium tremors; alcoholism | Dementia Tremins | Digital Tourettes Syndrome |
DVDV Stands For : digital vibration | dilute volume | district valuer | domiciliary visit | double vision | ductus venosus | dysfunctional voiding | Diarrhea and Vomiting | Dengue Virus | Distribution Volume | Diagnostic Variable | Dengue Virus | Distance Vision | Distemper Virus |
DWMDWM Stands For : Dandy-Walker malformation | deep white matter | Disability West Midlands |
DXADXA Stands For : dual energy x-ray absorptiometry |
EE Stands For : Air dose‰ÛÒradiation | early Genetics | ears | edema | edrophonium | effector | einsteinium | elbow | eldisine‰ÛÒan obsolete antineoplastic agent | electricity | electromotive force | element | embryo | embryonic | emmetropia | empfindichkeit | employment and training | endoplasmic | endotoxin | enema | enflurane | entamoeba | entgegen | enzyme | eosinophil | epinephrine | epithelium | erythrocyte | erythromycin | esophagus | esophoria for distance | ester | estradiol | ethanol | ethmoid sinus | etiology | euthanasia and disposal | excitat |
E&DE&D Stands For : equality and diversity |
E&TE&T Stands For : education and training |
EAPMCEAPMC Stands For : Equitable Access to Primary Medical Care |
EAUEAU Stands For : emergency admission unit | European Association of Urology | experimental allergic uveitis | Examination Under Anesthesia |
EBDEBD Stands For : effective biological dose | emotional or behavioural disorder | epidermolysis bullosa dystrophica | evidence-based dentistry | Emotional and Behavioral Disorder | Emotional Behavioral Disorders |
EBISEBIS Stands For : evidence-based implementation support |
EBLEBL Stands For : endemic Burkitt‰Ûªs lymphoma | erythroblastic leukaemia | evidence-based learning | Estimated Blood Loss | Enzootic bovine leukosis |
EBMEBM Stands For : epithelial basement membrane | evidence-based medicine | experimental biology and medicine | Evidence-based medicine | Evidence Based Medicine | Evidence Based Medicine |
EBMEEBME Stands For : Electro Biomechanical Engineer | Note: This term appears on several lists of abbreviations and acronyms that I found on this side of the pond There were no (none) hits on 05112011 |
EBPEBP Stands For : elastin-binding protein | oestrogen-binding protein | Evidence-Based Practice | Evidence-Based Practice | evidence-based practice |
ECEC Stands For : E-cadherin | early cleavage | eccentric contraction | echocardiography | effector cell | ejection click | elderly control | electrical cardioversion | electrocautery | electrochemical | embryonal carcinoma | emergency centre | emphysematous cholecystitis | emphysematous cystitis | endocervical | endometrial cancer | endometrial carcinoma | endometrial cytology | endothelial cell | endurance capacity | energy cost | enriched condition | enteric coating | enterococci | enterocolitis | entorhinal cortex | environmental control | eosinophil count | eo |
ECAECA Stands For : Edgbaston Commissioning Alliance | electrical control activity | Emergency Care Assistant | endothelial cell activation | endothelial cell antibody | enteric-coated aspirin | enterobacterial common antigen | esophageal carcinoma | external carotid artery | extra care area | Ephedra | external carotid artery | Ephedrine Caffeine And Aspirin | Epidemiological Catchment Area |
ECAMSQECAMSQ Stands For : European Council for the Accreditation of Medical Specialist Qualifications |
ECCECC Stands For : eccentric contractions | Edgbaston Commissioning Consortia | enterochromaffin cells | estimated creatinine clearance | external chest compression | extracorporal circulation | Emergency Care Center | Evaluation of Clinical Competence | Exceptional Cases Committee | Effective Critical Carbohydrates | Embryonal Cell Carcinoma | Emergency Cardiac Care | EndoCervical Curettage | Enteric Coated Capsule | External Cardiac Compressions | Extracorporeal Circulation |
ECEECE Stands For : endothelin-converting enzyme | evaluation of clinical events | extracapsular extension | Epizootic Catarrhal Enteritis |
ECGECG Stands For : echocardiography | electrocardiography | equine chorionic gonadotropin | Echocardiography | ElectroCardioGram | electrocardiogram (Great Britain) | electrocardiogram | ElectroCardioGram | ElectroCardioGram |
ECLSECLS Stands For : extracorporeal cardiac life support |
ECMECM Stands For : electronic claims management | embryo conditioned media | endocrine cell micronests | endoscope-controlled microneurosurgery | epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis | erythema chronicum migrans | Every Child Matters | experimental cerebral malaria | extended cervical mediastinoscopy | external cardiac massage | extracellular mass | extracellular matrix | Electro Cell Manipulation | Extra Cellular Mass | extracellular matrix |
ECNECN Stands For : emergency care network | external carotid nerve | external cuneate nucleus | eye cancer network |
ECPECP Stands For : Effective Conduction Period | external cardiac pressure | extracellular polysaccharides | extracellular protein | extracorporeal photoimmunotherapy | extracorporeal photopheresis | Early Childhood Program | Effective Clinical Practice | Electronic Claims Processing | Emergency Care Provider | Emergency Contraception Pill | Emotionally Challenged Person | External Counter Pulsation | Effector Cell Precursor | Eosinophilic Cationic Protein | Extra-Cellular Polymer | Erythroid Committed Precursor | Early Chronic Phase | Ectrodactyly-Cleft Palate | Endogenous |
ECTECT Stands For : electroconvulsive therapy | electroconvulsive threshold | emission computed tomographic | Emory Cardiac Toolbox | euglobulin clot test | European compression technique | exercise challenge test | Experiential Cognitive Therapy | Electro-Convulsive Therapy | Elementary Cognitive Task | ECTopy | electroconvulsive therapy | Electro-Convulsive Therapy | Enteric Coated Tablet |
ECTMSECTMS Stands For : electronic clinical transfusion management system | This term had 89 hits on 05112011 and apparently was a pilot programme |
EDED Stands For : Emergency Department | Early Discharge | Eating Disorder | Edged Dilution | Emergency Department | End Diastolic | Examination Documentation | Extracellular Domain | Elbow Disarticulation | Early Death | Eating Disorder | Ectodermal Dysplasia | Edema | Efferent Ductule | Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome | Embryonic Disk | Emergency Department | Endothelial Dysfunction | Erectile Dysfunction | Excretory Duct | Effective Dose | Emergency Department |
EDCMEDCM Stands For : Every Disabled Child Matters |
EDIEDI Stands For : European Drug index | Eating Disorder Inventory | estimated daily intake | Exercise |
EDMEDM Stands For : early diastolic murmur |
EDTEDT Stands For : electronic document transfer | emergency duty team | end-diastolic thickness | external data transfer |
EEAEEA Stands For : end-to-end anastomosis | eversion endarterectomy | Environment of Evolutionary Adaptation | European Environment Agency |
EECEEC Stands For : ectodermal dysplasia with ectrodactyly and cleft lip or palate | endometrial epithelial cells | enteropathogenic Escherichia coli | exstrophy-epispadias complex |
EFGCPEFGCP Stands For : European Forum for Good Clinical Practice |
EFMIEFMI Stands For : European Federation of Medical Informatics |
eGIFeGIF Stands For : Electronic Government Interoperability Framework |
EHEH Stands For : eccentric hypertrophy | emotional handicap | emotionally handicapped | employee health | endometrial hyperplasia | enlarged heart | epidermal hyperplasia | epidermolytic hyperkeratosis | epidural haematoma | epithelial hyperplasia | epithelioid haemangioma | epithelioid hemangioendothelioma | essential hypertension | extramedullary haematopoiesis | extremely high |
EHCEHC Stands For : electrically heated cigarette | emergency hormonal contraception | enterohepatic circulation | epidemic haemorrhagic conjunctivitis | European Haemophilia Consortium | extrahepatic cholestasis |
EHICEHIC Stands For : European Health Insurance Card |
EHMAEHMA Stands For : European Healthcare Management Association |
EHOEHO Stands For : extrahepatic portal venous obstruction |
EHREHR Stands For : embryonic heart rate | environmental health review | exercise heart rate | Electronic Health Record | electronic health record | electronic health record |
EHRCEHRC Stands For : Equality and Human Rights Commission |
EIEI Stands For : early implementer | Eating Inventory | Edmonton injector | electrical injury | electrolyte imbalance | elongation index | elution inhibition | emotionally impaired | emphysema index | end inspiration | endotracheal intubation | Enzyme Inhibitor | Extrinsic Incubation | Erythroblastic Island | Environmental Illness | Erythema Induratum | Erythema Infectiosum | Evans Index | Exercise-Induced | Extensor Indicis | External Intercostal |
EIAEIA Stands For : Equality Impact Assessment | Enzyme ImmunoAssay | Exercise-Induced Asthma | Enzyme ImmunoAssay | Extracorporeal ImmunoAdsorption | EnteroInsular Axis | Exercise Induced Asthma | External Iliac Artery | Environmental Investigation Agency | Equine Infectious Anemia |
EIPEIP Stands For : early intervention in psychosis | electrical impedance plethysmography | esophageal intramural pseudodiverticulosis | extensor indicis proprius | extrinsic incubation period | early intervention program |
EISEIS Stands For : early intervention service | endometrial carcinoma in situ | endoscopic injection sclerotherapy | European Infarction Study | Epidemic Intelligence Service | Epidemic Intelligence Service |
EITSEITS Stands For : essential IT skills |
EMACOEMACO Stands For : etoposide |
EMASEMAS Stands For : Employment Medical Advisory Service |
EMCEMC Stands For : ̩ducation m̩dicale continue | Electronic Medicines Compendium | electronmagnetic charge | encephalomyocarditis | Eisenhower Medical Center | Electronic Medical Claim | EndoMetrial Curettage | Expanded Medical Capacity | Extracellular Matrix Component | Epithelial-Myoepithelial Carcinoma | Extraskeletal Mesenchymal Chondrosarcoma |
EMIEMI Stands For : elderly mentally ill (older people with mental illness) | emergency medical information | extramedullary infiltration | Electronic Medical Information | Elderly Mentally Infirm | Egg Marketing Inspectorate |
EMQEMQ Stands For : exercise motivation questionnaire | Extended matching question |
EMREMR Stands For : electronic medical record; the preferred term in the UK is Electronic health record | emergency mechanical restraint | emergency medicine resident | emergency room | endoscopic mucosal resection | erythromycin resistance | essential metabolism ratio | evoked motor response | eye movement record | Emergency Medical Response | electronic medical record | emergency medical record | Electronic Medical Record | Electronic Medical Records | Emergency Medical Response |
EMRSAEMRSA Stands For : epidemic meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
ENBENB Stands For : English National Board for Nursing | esthesioneuroblastoma |
ENPENP Stands For : Emergency Nurse Practitioner | enalapril | endotoxin neutralising protein |
ENTENT Stands For : ears | embryonal nervous tissue | Enterobacteriaceae | enterococci | enterotoxin | entorhinal cortex | existing national target | ear | Ear | Ear Nose and Throat | Ear nose throat | Ear |
EORTCEORTC Stands For : European Organisation for the Research and Treatment of Cancer | European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer | European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer | European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer |
EPACTEPACT Stands For : electronic prescribing analysis and costing |
EPCEPC Stands For : early prostate cancer | Emergency Protection Coordinator | endocrine pancreatic cancer | endplate current | Energy Performance Certificate | erosive prepyloric changes | European Pancreatic Club | Euthanasia Prevention Coalition | exocrine pancreatic cancer | external pneumatic compression | Endothelial Precursor Cells | Emulsified Particulate Cellulose | Enhanced Primary Care | Extracellular Patch Clamp | EctoPlacental Cone | Exceptionally Pretty Cat |
EPDSEPDS Stands For : Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale |
ePHRePHR Stands For : electronic personal health record |
EPIPEPIP Stands For : Entity PACS Implementation Plan |
EPOSEPOS Stands For : Electronic Purchasing Online System | This term got 6 hits on 06112011 |
EPPEPP Stands For : end plate potential | erythropoietic protoporphyria | Expert Patient Programme | Environmentally Preferable Purchasing | Erythropoetic ProtoPorphyria |
EPREPR Stands For : early phase reaction | electronic patient recordThe term electronic health record is generally preferred | erythropoietin receptor | extracellular proteinase | Extra Patient Rate | Electronic Patient Record |
EPSEPS Stands For : Electronic Prescription Service | electrophysiological study | extrapyramidal syndrome | Emergency Pregnancy Service | Emergency Psychiatric Services | Extracellular Polymeric Substance | ElectroPhysiologic study | Electro Physiological Study | Enhanced Probiotic System | Expressed Prostatic Secretion | Extrapyramidal symptoms |
EPTEPT Stands For : early pregnancy testing | effective patient teaching | electric pulp testing | electroporation therapy | endocrine pancreatic tumour | endoscopic papillotomy | estrogen-progestogen therapy | ethanolamine phosphotransferase | exocrine pancreatic tumour | Expedited partner therapy | Early Pregnancy Test | Ephemeroptera Plecoptera And Trichoptera | Expedited partner therapy |
EQ-5DEQ-5D Stands For : EuroQol five dimension scale |
EQAEQA Stands For : external quality assessment | external quality assurance |
EQREQR Stands For : essential quality requirements |
EQUIPEQUIP Stands For : Education and Quality in Primary Care | Effectiveness and Quality In Practice Group | This term got 25 hits on 25102011 |
ERER Stands For : early referral | early relapse | early repolarisation | early response | ejection rate | electrorheology | elimination rate | embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma | emergency department | emotional reactivity | enantiomer ratio | endocardial resection | endoluminal repair | endoscopic resection | endovascular repair | endurance runner | energy restriction | enoyl reductase | environmental resistance | enzyme reactor | epigastric region | epiregulin | epoxy resin | ER alpha | error rate | erythrocyte rosette | esophageal rupture | estradiol | estrogen recept |
ERGERG Stands For : electroretinography | ergonovine | ergosterol | External Reference Group | ElectroRetinoGram | Evidence Review Group |
ERMAERMA Stands For : emergency response management arrangements | This term got 53 hits on 06112011 |
ERTERT Stands For : emergency room thoracotomy | endogenous reverse transcription | enzyme replacement therapy | esophageal radionuclide transit | estrogen replacement treatment | external (beam) radiotherapy | Emergency Response Team | Estrogen Replacement Therapy |
ESES Stands For : educational supervisor | electroshock | emergency service | employment service | end stage | end-systolic | end-to-side | endometrial stromal | endoscopic sclerotherapy | epileptic seizure | epithelioid sarcoma | Ewing sarcoma | expectorated sputum | Emergency Surgery | Extended Scrub | Embryonic Stem | Erythroid Silent | Effective Sample | Enzyme Substrate | Electrical Stimulation | Empty Scrotum | Endocrine Society |
ESCOPESCOP Stands For : European Scientific Cooperative for Phytotherapy | European Scientific Cooperative On Phytotherapy |
ESDESD Stands For : early supported discharge | electronic submission document | electronic summation device | electrospray deposition | end-systolic diameter | entrance skin dose | entrance surface dose | environmental sex determination | esterase D | Extended Scale for Dementia | Endoscopic Submucosal Dissection |
ESEESE Stands For : Ensuring Sustainable Economies | European Society of Endodontology | evolutionary stable energy | exon splicing enhancer |
ESFESF Stands For : Education Standards Fund | erythropoiesis stimulating factor | external skeletal fixation | external skeletal fixator | European Science Foundation |
ESGESG Stands For : endovascular stent graft | Equality Strategy Group | ESG educational support group | European Society of Gynecology | evaluation steering group | expert scientific group |
ESMIESMI Stands For : elderly severely mentally ill/infirm |
ESPESP Stands For : end-systolic pressure | endometritis-salpingitis-peritonitis | evoked spinal potentials | Existing Systems Provider | extrasensory perception | Effectiveness Safety Personality | extra-sensory perception | Early Speech Perception | Effective Systolic Pressure |
ESRESR Stands For : electron spin resonance spectroscopy | Electronic Staff Record | estrogen receptor | erythrocyte (blood) sedimentation rate | Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate | Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate | Endonasal Sphenoid Release | Equivlant Series Resistance | Erythrocyte Sedimentation rate |
ETDETD Stands For : Education | electron transfer dissociation | eustachian tube dysfunction | estimated time of death | Elevated Temperature Drawn | Eustacian Tube Dysfunction |
ETPETP Stands For : electron transport phosphorylation | Employer Training Pilot | entire treatment period |
ETPCETPC Stands For : Education and Training Programme in informatics management and technology for Clinicians |
EUEU Stands For : Ehrlich unit | emergency unit | enzyme unit | etiology unknown | euthyroid | excretory urography | Enter Urethra | endotoxin unit | European Union |
EUAEUA Stands For : examination under anaesthesia | Examination Under Anesthesia | Examination Under Anesthesia | examination under anesthesia | Examination Under Anesthetic |
EUTCDEUTCD Stands For : European Union Tissue and Cells Directives |
EVSEVS Stands For : Enterprise Vocabulary Services | Eastern Vascular Society |
EWAEWA Stands For : energy-weighted acquisition | enterprise-wide arrangement |
EWTDEWTD Stands For : European Working Time Directive |
FF Stands For : finance & accounting | fraud and abuse | Filled | Fat | Fluorine | female | Fahrenheit | Female | Fetus | Flush | Forehead | Front |
F&AF&A Stands For : facilities & administration |
F1F1 Stands For : Foundation Year 1 (FY1) | Foundation year 1 |
F2F2 Stands For : Foundation Year 2 (FY2) |
FACFAC Stands For : fair access to care | familial adenomatosis coli | focal active colitis | functional aerobic capacity |
FACSFACS Stands For : fair access to care services | fatty acyl CoA synthetase | Fellow | fluorescence-activated cell sorter | Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorter | Fluorescence Activated Cell Sorting | Facial Action Coding System | Fellow of the American College of Surgeons |
FAEMFAEM Stands For : Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine |
FAQSFAQS Stands For : frequently-asked questions |
FASTFAST Stands For : Fast Agglutination Screening Test | Fast Antimicrobial Screen Test | Fitness | fluorescence allergosorbent test | Frenchay aphasia screening test | Functional Assessment Screening Test | Face | First Access for Shock and Trauma | focused assessment with sonography for trauma | Face | Focused Abdominal Sonography For Trauma | Fortified Amino Scalp Therapy |
FAWNFAWN Stands For : funding advice workers‰Ûª network |
FBCFBC Stands For : female breast cancer | fetal brain cells | full business case | functional bladder capacity | Full Blood Count | Family Birthing Center | Full Blood Count |
FCEFCE Stands For : finished consultant episode | food conversion efficiency | Functional Capacity Evaluation |
FCOphthFCOphth Stands For : Fellow of The College of Ophthalmologists |
FDAFDA Stands For : factorial discriminant analysis | Family Doctor Association | Food and Drug Administration (USA) | Frenchay disarthria assessment | Food and Drug Administration | Fluorescein Diacetate A | Food and Drug Administration | Food and Drug Administration |
FEDFED Stands For : Forum for Education and Development | Figure Eight Distribution | Fractional Effective Dose | Fish Eye Disease |
FENIBFENIB Stands For : familial encephalopathy with neuroserpin inclusion bodies |
FFAFFA Stands For : female fat admirer | Fundus Fluorescein Angiography | Free Fatty Acid | For Further Appointment | Free Fatty Acid | Fusiform Face Area |
FFAEMFFAEM Stands For : Fellow of the Faculty of Accident and Emergency Medicine |
FFARCSFFARCS Stands For : Fellow of the Faculty of Anaesthetics of the Royal College of Surgeons |
FFCEFFCE Stands For : first finished consultant episode |
FFDRCSFFDRCS Stands For : Fellow of the Faculty of Dental Surgery Royal College of Surgeons |
FFPMFFPM Stands For : Fellow of the Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine |
FGMFGM Stands For : fibrogranulomatous material | Foundation for Genetic Medicine |
FHomFHom Stands For : Faculty of Homeopathy |
FHSFHS Stands For : Family Health Services | Framingham Heart Study | Family Heart Study | Family History Score | Fetal Heart Sound | Functional Health Status | Fresh Human Serum | Familial Hamophagocytic Syndrome | Fetal Heart Sounds | Fetal Hydantoin Syndrome | Floating Harbor Syndrome | Floppy Head Syndrome | Food Hyper-Sensitivity |
FHSAFHSA Stands For : Family Health Services Authority* | The FHSAs were abolished‰ÛÒalong with the District Health Authorities and Regional Health Authorities‰ÛÒin 1995 |
FHSCUFHSCU Stands For : Family Health Services Computer Unit | This term got 56 hits on 25102011 |
FIBDFIBD Stands For : found in bed dead | Feline Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
FICMFICM Stands For : Faculty of Intensive Care Medicine |
FIPFIP Stands For : Fair Information Practices | field initiated project | filiform papillae | focal intestinal perforation | Feline Infectious Peritonitis |
FIPOFIPO Stands For : Federation of Independent Practitioners Organisations |
FIPO-Nat-MACFIPO-Nat-MAC Stands For : Federation of Independent Practitioners Organisations-National Medical Advisory Committee |
FITTA XXFITTA XX Stands For : Fixed Term Training Appointment |
FIUFIU Stands For : Fraud Investigation Unit |
FLAIRFLAIR Stands For : FLuid Attenuated Inversion Recovery | Fluid-attenuated inversion recovery |
FLUSFLUS Stands For : follicular lesion of undetermined significance |
FMFM Stands For : facial myokimia | faecal matter | family medicine | family member | ferromagnetic | fetal membranes | fetal movement | fibromyalgia | fibrosing mediastinitis | foramen magnum | forensic medicine | freedom medicine‰ÛÒPakistan | frequency modulation‰ÛÒradio | friable material | from | front material‰ÛÒbooks | furosemide | Flavin Mononucleotide | Female Male | Fine Motor |
FMIPFMIP Stands For : Financial Management Information Project |
FMSFMS Stands For : Faculty of Medical Science | fat-mobilising substance | Federal Monitoring Survey | fibromyalgia syndrome | financial management system | False Memory Syndrome | Feline McDonough Sarcoma |
FNCFNC Stands For : Family Nurse Clinician | fatty nutritional cirrhosis | fine needle cytology | full nursing care | funded nursing care | Functional Neuromuscular Conditioning |
FNPFNP Stands For : facial nerve palsy | Family Nurse Partnership | flunitrazepam | Family Nurse Practitioner |
FOIFOI Stands For : flight of ideas |
FOMFOM Stands For : Faculty of Occupational Medicine (of the Royal College of Physicians) | field of measurement | floor of mouth |
FoPMFoPM Stands For : Faculty of Pain Medicine |
FORD (picture)FORD (picture) Stands For : FORD (picture) found on road dead |
FPFP Stands For : familial polyposis | family physician | family planning | family practice | family practitioner | femoropopliteal | field potential | first pass | flavoprotein | flexor pollicis | fluorescence polarisation | fluorescent protein | follicular phase | frozen plasma | fusion protein | Fat Potential | Food Poisoning |
FP/FVFP/FV Stands For : first patient first visit |
FP92FP92 Stands For : Prescription Exemption Certificate |
FP96FP96 Stands For : Prescription pre-payment certificate |
FPAFPA Stands For : Family Planning Association | fluorescence polarisation assay |
FPharmMFPharmM Stands For : Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine |
FPhMFPhM Stands For : Faculty of Pharmaceutical Medicine | Faculty of Public Health Medicine |
FPIFPI Stands For : first patient in |
FPISFPIS Stands For : Family Planning Information Service |
FPPFPP Stands For : faculty practice plan | familial periodic paralysis | fertilization promoting peptide |
FPSFPS Stands For : family planning services | family practitioner services | fee-paying service | Fellow of the Pharmaceutical Society | Flacid Penis Syndrome |
FRATFRAT Stands For : Falls Risk Assessment Tool |
FRCGPFRCGP Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of General Practitioners |
FRCOFRCO Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists | Fellow of the Royal College of Organists |
FRCOphthFRCOphth Stands For : FRCOphth Fellow of the Royal College of Ophthalmologists |
FRCP(Edin)FRCP(Edin) Stands For : FRCP(Edin) Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (Edinburgh) |
FRCP(Glasg)FRCP(Glasg) Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (of Glasgow) |
FRCP(Lon)FRCP(Lon) Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians (of London) |
FRCPathFRCPath Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Pathologists |
FRCPCHFRCPCH Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health |
FRCPEFRCPE Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of England |
FRCPIFRCPI Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of Ireland |
FRCPS(Glasg)FRCPS(Glasg) Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow |
FRCPsychFRCPsych Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Psychiatrists |
FRCRFRCR Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Radiologists |
FRCSFRCS Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons |
FRCS(Edin)FRCS(Edin) Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (of Edinburgh) |
FRCS(Glasg)FRCS(Glasg) Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons (of Glasgow) |
FRCSIFRCSI Stands For : Fellow of the Royal College of Surgeons of Ireland |
FRED(A) XXFRED(A) XX Stands For : Fast Response Electronic Dispatch for Ambulance |
FReMFReM Stands For : Finance Reporting Manual |
FRFPSGFRFPSG Stands For : *Note This is an old title that preceded the Faculty becoming a College | Fellow of the Royal Faculty of Physicians and Surgeons of Glasgow* |
FRIFRI Stands For : Family Relationships Index | fluorescence reflectance imaging | Framingham Risk Index | Frontline Readiness for Implementation |
FRIPHHFRIPHH Stands For : Fellow of the Royal Institute of Public Health and Hygiene |
FSIDFSID Stands For : Foundation for the Study of Infant Deaths |
FSRHFSRH Stands For : Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare (Royal College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists) |
FSSAFSSA Stands For : Federation of Surgical Specialty Associations |
FTFT Stands For : Fallot‰Ûªs tetralogy | Family Therapy | Full Term | Function Test | Free Testosterone | Free Thyroxine | full-term | Fallopian Tube | False Teeth |
FT-UMPFT-UMP Stands For : follicular tumour of uncertain malignant potential |
FTAPFTAP Stands For : floor target action plan |
FTeFTe Stands For : Foundation Trust equivalent (Equivalent Foundation Trust) | free testosterone | Full Time Equivalent |
FTPFTP Stands For : failure to progress OB/GYN | frontotemporal dementia | full term pregnancy | Failure To Progress |
FTSTA XXFTSTA XX Stands For : Fixed Term Specialist Training Appointment (FYYA) |
FTTFTT Stands For : fixed term training | free tissue transfer | Fecal Immunohistochemical Testing | failure to thrive | Failure To Thrive |
FTTA XXFTTA XX Stands For : Fixed Term Training Appointment |
FURFUR Stands For : ferric uptake regulation | follow-up report | freed-up resources | furosemide |
FWAFFWAF Stands For : flexibility within a framework |
FYFY Stands For : Foundation Year | full year |
FY1 XXFY1 XX Stands For : FY1 appointment |
FY2 XXFY2 XX Stands For : FY2 appointment |
FYEFYE Stands For : full year effect | full year equivalent |
GATTGATT Stands For : General Agreement on Tariff and Trade | General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (of the WTO) |
GBHGBH Stands For : gamma benzene hexachloride | Grizzly Bear Habitat |
GCCGCC Stands For : gastric cardia cancer | General Chiropractic Council | giant cell carcinoma | glassy cell carcinoma | glucocorticoid | goblet cell carcinoid | guanylyl cyclase C | Genital Correction Clinic |
GCSGCS Stands For : general clinical services | genome conformational state | Gianotti-Crosti syndrome | glucocorticosteroid | graduated compression stockings | Glasgow Coma Score | Glasgow Coma Scale | group C streptococcus/i | Glasgow Coma Scale |
GCSE XXGCSE XX Stands For : General Certificate of Secondary Education |
GDCGDC Stands For : General Dental Council | glutamate decarboxylase | Guglielmi Detachable Coil | Genetically Deficient Cretin | Genetic Disease Control | Guglielmi Detachable Coil | (Institute for) Genetic Disease Control | General Dental Council | Great Dane Club |
GDPGDP Stands For : glucose degradation product | good distribution practice |
GDSGDS Stands For : general dental services | Geriatric Depression Scale | Geriatric Depression Score | Global Deterioration Scale | General Dental Service |
GESGES Stands For : gastroesophageal sphincter | Gender Equality Scheme | gene expression signature | generalised eigen system | glucose electrolyte solution |
GHHGHH Stands For : Good Hope Hospital |
GHSGHS Stands For : growth hormone secretagogue |
GIDAGIDA Stands For : government intervention in deprived areas | This term got 65 hits on 25102011 |
GIGO XXGIGO XX Stands For : Garbage in |
GINAGINA Stands For : Genetic Nondiscrimination Act of 2008 |
GKPGKP Stands For : Genetics Knowledge Park |
GMCGMC Stands For : glomerular mesangial cell | General Medical Condition | General Medical Council | Geographic Managed Care | Gold Medical Card | General Medical Council | General Medical Council |
GMC XXGMC XX Stands For : general medical clinic |
GMPGMP Stands For : general medical problem | General Medical Practice | Ganulocyte-Monocyte Progenitor | Good Manufacturing Practices | Granular Membrane Protein | Gourasana Meditation Practice |
GMSGMS Stands For : global mood scale | glyceryl monostearate | gomori methenamine silver stain | General Medical Services | Gomori Methenamine Silver stain |
GMS2 XXGMS2 XX Stands For : New General Medical Services contract |
GOCGOC Stands For : General Optical Council | glandular odontogenic cyst | gynaecological oncology centre | Gene Ontology Consortium | Glasses Over Contacts | General Optical Council (human |
GOKGOK Stands For : An acronym that has been flogged almost completely (but not quite | God only knows (!) |
GOPGOP Stands For : General Optical Council |
GORUGORU Stands For : geriatric orthopaedic rehabilitation unit |
GOSGOS Stands For : General Ophthalmic Services | Glasgow Outcome Scale | Glasgow Outcome Score | Greater Ormond Street |
GOSCGOSC Stands For : General Osteopathic Council |
GOSHGOSH Stands For : Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children |
GOWMGOWM Stands For : Government Office of the West Midlands |
GPGP Stands For : G protein | gallstone pancreatitis | gangliocytic paraganglioma | gas permeable | gas production | gastric perforation | gastroparesis | gel precipitation | general paresis | gliomatosis peritonei | glomerulopathy | glossopharyngeal | glucose phosphate | glutamic pyruvate | glycerol phosphate | glycopeptide | glycophorin | glycoprotein | good prognosis | Goodpasture | gram positive | granuloma pyogenicum | Green Paper | gross product | growth plate | gutta percha also | General Practitioner | Glyco Protein | guinea pig | granulocyte progenitor | |
GP PUG XXGP PUG XX Stands For : General Practice Pan User Group |
GP2GP XXGP2GP XX Stands For : GP to GP |
GPAQGPAQ Stands For : General Practice Assessment of Quality |
GPASSGPASS Stands For : General Practice Administration System Scotland |
GPAWGGPAWG Stands For : GP Appraisal Working Group |
GPCGPC Stands For : G protein-coupled | gastric parietal cell | General Practitioners Committee | glycerophosphocholine | gram positive cocci | Gram-Positive Cocci | General Practical Competence | Giant Papillary Conjunctivitis |
GPECGPEC Stands For : General Practice Education Committee | General Practice Emergency Centre |
GPFCGPFC Stands For : General Practice Finance Corporation |
GPFHGPFH Stands For : general practice fundholder (extinct) |
GPMSSGPMSS Stands For : General Practice Minimum System Specification | This term got 32 hits on 25102011 |
GPPUGGPPUG Stands For : GP Pan User Group (GP PUG) |
GPSI XXGPSI XX Stands For : General Practitioner with Special Interest |
GPSoCGPSoC Stands For : GP Systems of Choice |
GPTGPT Stands For : alanine aminotransferase | general professional training | glutamic pyruvate transaminase | guanine phosphoribosyl transferase |
GPVTGPVT Stands For : General Practitioner Vocational Training |
GPVTSGPVTS Stands For : General Practitioner Vocational Training Scheme |
GPwSIGPwSI Stands For : general practitioner with Special Interest (GPSI) |
GRIPPGRIPP Stands For : Getting Research into Policy and Practice | Getting Research Into Purchasing and Practice | This incorrect translation of GRIPP got 56 hits on 21102011 |
GRNGRN Stands For : gene regulatory note | Goods Received Note | Graduate Registered Nurse | gene regulatory network | Gene Relation Network |
GSCCGSCC Stands For : General Social Care Council |
GSL medicineGSL medicine Stands For : General Sales List medicine |
GUGU Stands For : glucose unit | glucose uptake | glucose utilisation | Goldblatt unit | Geriatric Unit | Genito Urinary | Gastric ulcer | Genito Urinary | Genitourinary |
GUIGUI Stands For : glucose utilisation index |
GUMGUM Stands For : genitourinary medicine |
GWCGWC Stands For : General Whitley Council | good wound care | Grown Wounded Child |
HH Stands For : health and safety | hysterectomy and sterilisation | Hospitalization | Hypodermic | Haploid | Hematachometer | mustard gas | height | Hands | Head | Health | Hearing | Heart | Hepatitis | Heterosexual | Histidine | hr |
H&SH&S Stands For : haemorrhage and shock |
H@NH@N Stands For : Hospital at Night |
HAHA Stands For : habitual abortion | haemolytic anaemia | haemophilia A | health assessment | Health Authority | hepatic artery | hepatitis A | hepatitis-associated | heterophil antibody | high affinity | hippuric acid | Hispanic American | histocompatibility antigen | hospital-acquired | human albumin | hydroxyapatite | hyperactivity | hyperaldosteronism | HaemAgglutination | Helicopter Ambulance | Hospital Accreditation | haemagglutinin | Herpangina | Headache | Hearing Aid | Heart Attack | hemagglutinin | High Anxiety | Hospital Admission | Horse Association |
HAAHAA Stands For : hepatitis-associated antibody | Health Action Area | Hospital Activity Analysis | Hepatitis- Associated Antigen | Hepatitis Associated Antibodies |
HAACHAAC Stands For : Health Action Area Coordinator |
HAIHAI Stands For : haemagglutination inhibition | healthcare-associated infection | hepatic arterial infusion | hospital-acquired infection | Histology Activity Index (Knodell Score) | haemagglutinin-inhibiting antibodies | Hospital Acquired Infection | Hospital-acquired infection |
HAQUHAQU Stands For : Healthcare Accreditation and Quality Unit |
HASHAS Stands For : Health Advisory Service | hepatic artery stenosis | human activity system | Human Alienation Syndrome |
HASCASHASCAS Stands For : Health And Social Care Advisory Service |
HASHDHASHD Stands For : hypertensive arteriosclerotic heart disease |
HBHB Stands For : haemangioblastoma | haemophilia B | Health Board (Scotland) | heart block | hepatitis B | His bundle | homeobox | housing benefit | hydroxybutyrate | HeartBeat | Human Being | HGB | Haemoglobin | Half Blind | Human Brain | Half Breed |
HBGHBG Stands For : Health Benefit Group | human beta-glucuronidase |
HBNHBN Stands For : health building notes |
HBPCHBPC Stands For : Hospital-based programme coordinator |
HCHC Stands For : haematopoietic cell | haemochromatosis | hairy cell | handicapped | Hassall‰Ûªs corpuscles | Health Centre | Health Circular | Healthcare Commission; HCC is generally preferred | healthy children | healthy control | helper cell | Hemocult | heparin cofactor | hepatitis C | hepatocellular | Hickman catheter | histochemistry | Histoplasma capsulatum | homocysteine | hybrid capture | hypercalcaemia | Hyaline Cast | hair color | head circumference | Hair Composition | Hair Cuticle | Head Circumference | Headache Cure | Hurt Comfort | Hydrocortisone |
HCAHCA Stands For : healthcare assistant | hepatocellular adenoma | historic cost accounting (!) | Home Care Assistant | homocysteic acid | Hospital Caterers Association (!) | HÌ?rthle cell adenoma | hybrid capture assay | Healthcare Certification Authority | high content analysis |
HCAGHCAG Stands For : Hospital Consultants Advisory Group |
HCAIHCAI Stands For : healthcare-acquired infection | healthcare-associated infection |
HCCHCC Stands For : Heathcare Commission | history of chief complaint | hospital computer centre | HÌ?rthle cell carcinoma | Harvard Cancer Center | hepatocellular carcinoma | hepatocellular carcinomas | HepatoCellular Carcinoma |
HCEUHCEU Stands For : Healthcare Evaluation Unit |
HCHSHCHS Stands For : hospital and community health services |
HCPHCP Stands For : healthcare professional | Healthy Cities Program | hereditary coproporphyria |
HCSHCS Stands For : Hajdu-Cheney syndrome | health commissioning services | holiday care service | human chorionic somatotropin | human cord serum | Hybrid Capture system | hypercoagulable state | high content screening | Human Chorionic Somatomammotropin |
HCSCHCSC Stands For : hospital and community health services |
HDAHDA Stands For : haemodialysis | Health Development Agency (obsolete) | heptadecanoic acid | heteroduplex analysis | Huntington‰Ûªs Disease Association |
HDRHDR Stands For : Health Data Repository | heparin dose response | high dose radiation | Hospital Discharge Register | Hospital Discharge Registry | homology-directed repair | High Dose Rate |
HEHE Stands For : haemangioendthelioma | haematoxylin and eosin | haemorrhagic enteritis | health economy | health education | Hektoen enteric Microbiology | hepatic encephalopathy | hepatitis E | hereditary elliptocytosis | herpetic encephalopathy | high endothelial | holoenzyme | hypereosinophilia | hyperextension | hypertensive encephalopathy | horse epithelium |
HEAHEA Stands For : Health Education Authority (abolished in 2000) | health equity audit | Hektoen enteric agar |
HEBSHEBS Stands For : Health Education Board for Scotland |
HEFCHEFC Stands For : Higher Education Funding Council |
HELMISHELMIS Stands For : Health Management Information Service (Nuffield |
HENIGHENIG Stands For : Health Economy NICE Implementation Group |
HESPHESP Stands For : Health Economics Support Project |
HFHF Stands For : haemofiltration | haemorrhagic fever | Hageman factor | haplotype frequency | head of fetus | heat flow | Hemochromatosis Foundation | high fat | high fibre | high fructose | hip fracture | Hispanic female | host factor | hot flashes | hot flushes | human factor | human fibroblast | humidifier lung | hydatid fluid | hydrops fetalis | hyperfractionated | hypoxic fraction | Health Facility | Human Furnace | heart failure | Hair Follicle | Hay fever | Heart Failure | Hip Flexor | Homotopy Functor |
HFEAHFEA Stands For : Human Fertilisation and Embryology Authority | Human Fertilisation Embryology Authority |
HGHG Stands For : haemoglobin; Hb is generally preferred | haplogroup | haptoglobin | Hazard Grade | healthy group | herpes gestationis | high growth | highly gifted | histologic grade | human gonadotropin | human growth | hypoglossal | mercury Hg |
HGACHGAC Stands For : Human Genetics Advisory Commission (obsolete) |
HIAHIA Stands For : haemagglutination inhibition assay | Hardware | health impact assessmentBritish | hepatic intra-arterial | High Impact ActionsBritish | Housing Improvement Agency British | human intestinal absorption |
HIBCCHIBCC Stands For : Health Index Bar Code Council | Health Index Business Communications Council | This term got 33 hits on 25102011 | This term got 7 hits on 21102011 |
HICHIC Stands For : Health Improvement Centre | Health Informatics Community | hepatic iron concentration | Health Insurance Claim | Hypermethylated In Cancer | Head Injury Criteria |
HIECHIEC Stands For : Health Innovation and Education Cluster |
HIGHIG Stands For : Health Implementation Group | human immunoglobulin |
HIMPHIMP Stands For : Health Improvement and Modernisation Programme |
HINOSHINOS Stands For : Health Informatics National Occupational Standards |
HIPHIP Stands For : Health Improvement Programme | health insurance plan | hedgehog-interacting protein | hippocampal | hippurate | HS interacting protein | hypertension in pregnancy | Health Improvement Program | Hospital In-Patient | Hsc Interacting Protein | help in place | Health Improvement Project | Health Information Project | Help For Incontinent People |
HIQSHIQS Stands For : Health Informatics Quality Scheme |
HISHIS Stands For : Health Informatics Service | health information service | Health Interview Survey | heat inactivated serum | Hemodilution In Stroke study | histidine | histology | Hormones In Stroke study | hospital information system | Hungarian Isradipine Study | HIV Incidence Surveillance |
HISSHISS Stands For : Hospital Information Support Systems | Hospital Infection Standardized Surveillance | Hospital-acquired Infections Surveillance System | Holistic Inventory Of Stimulus Sensitivities |
HJSCHJSC Stands For : hospital junior staff committee |
HLSHLS Stands For : Healthy Lifestyle Survey | Hippel-Lindau syndrome | hyperlipidaemic serum | High Level Synthesis |
HMAHMA Stands For : health market analysis | Health Ministries Association | heteroduplex mobility assay | humanized monoclonal antibody |
HMBHMB Stands For : Health Modernisation Board | human myoglobin | This term got 65 hits on 07112011 | Heavy Menstrual Bleeding |
HMNHMN Stands For : hereditary motor neuronopathy | Health Metrics Network |
HMN7BHMN7B Stands For : hereditary motor neuronopathy type VIIB |
HMRHMR Stands For : heart-to-mediastinum ratio | histiocytic medullary reticuloendotheliosis | hospital medical record | human mannose receptor (CD206) |
HMTHMT Stands For : higher medical training | histamine methyltransferase |
HNHN Stands For : haemagglutinin neuraminidase | haemorrhage of newborn | head & neck‰ÛÒusually | head nurse | Health Notice‰ÛÒusually | hereditary nephritis | Heymann‰Ûªs nephritis | High Nitrogen |
HNAHNA Stands For : health needs assessment | heparin neutralising activity |
HNIHNI Stands For : Housing Needs Index | Human Nutrition Institute |
HOHO Stands For : Hearing Officer | Hemoccult Lab medicine | heterotopic ossification | high oxygen | house officer | hyperbaric oxygen | hypertrophic osteoarthropathy | History of |
HoBHoB Stands For : Heart of Birmingham (PCT) | human osteoblast | Head of bed |
HoCAHoCA Stands For : head of corporate affairs |
HoCGHoCG Stands For : head of clinical governance |
HoEFTHoEFT Stands For : Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust |
HOMGOHOMGO Stands For : hypomagnesemia renal with ocular involvement |
HoMMHoMM Stands For : Head of Medicines Management |
HONHON Stands For : Health of The Nation | Health on the Net Foundation | honorary |
HoNOS XXHoNOS XX Stands For : Health of the Nation Outcome Scales |
HOSOLHOSOL Stands For : Home Office Shortage Occupation List |
HotNHotN Stands For : Health of the Nation |
HPAHPA Stands For : Health Promotion Advisor | Health Protection Agency (UK) | His-Purkinje activity | human platelet antigen | hyperphenylalaninaemia | hypertrophic pulmonary arthropathy | hypothalamic pituitary axis | hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal | HaemangioPericytomA | Hypothalamic - Pituitary - Adrenal (axis) | hypothalmic-pituitary-adrenal axis |
HPANHPAN Stands For : Health Professionals Alert Notice |
HPCHPC Stands For : haemangiopericytoma | haematopoietic progenitor cell; haematopoietic stem cell is generally preferred | Health Professions Council | Healthcare Purchasing Consortium | hepatitis C | history present complaint | hydrogenated phosphatidylcholine | hypopharyngeal carcinoma | history of present complaint |
HPEHPE Stands For : Health Promotion England (abolished | hepatoportoenterostomy | higher professional education | histopathological examination | holoprosencephaly | hydrostatic pulmonary (o)edema | Hypericum perforatum extract | History and Physical Examination | Human Phisiological Equivalent |
HPERUHPERU Stands For : Health Policy and Economic Research Unit |
HPSHPS Stands For : haemophagocytic syndrome | Health-Promoting Schools | Heart Protection Study | hepatopulmonary syndrome | Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome | hexulose-6-phosphate synthase | His-Purkinje system | human patient simulator | hyperprostaglandin E syndrome | hypertrophic pyloric stenosis | Hantavirus pulmonary syndrome | human patient simulator | Hantavirus Pulmonary Syndrome | Hermansky Pudlak Syndrome |
HPS/SHPS/S Stands For : Health Promoting Schools/Service |
HPUHPU Stands For : Health Protection Unit | hospital planning unit |
HQCAHQCA Stands For : High Quality Care for All |
HQHQHQHQ Stands For : Healthcare Quality Headquarters |
HRHR Stands For : haematologic remission | haemorrhagic retinopathy | hairpin ribozyme | heat resistant | high responder | histamine receptor | histamine release | homing receptor | homologous repeat | hormone receptor | hospital report | hospitalisation rate | human recombinant | human resources or personnel | hyperimmune reaction | hypersensitivity reaction | hypersensitivity response | hypoxic response | Haematological Response | hazard ratio | High Risk | Headache Removal | Heart rate | Horrific Regurgitation | Hospital Record |
HRCHRC Stands For : hereditary renal cancer | high risk characteristic | hormone-receptor complex | Hospital Recognition Committee | Heart Rate Control | Human Respiratory Coronavirus |
HRGHRG Stands For : high risk group | Healthcare Resource Group |
HSACHSAC Stands For : Health Service Advisory Committee |
HSCHSC Stands For : haematopoietic stem cell | Health and Social Care in Northern Ireland | health screening centre | Health Select Committee | Health Service Circular | Health Service Commissioner | heat shock consensus | horizontal semicircular canal | hysteroscopy | hematopoietic stem cell(s) | hematopoietic stem cell | Health and Safety Commission |
HSCIPHSCIP Stands For : Health and Social Care Integration Programme |
HSCQCHSCQC Stands For : Health and Social Care Quality Centre |
HSDUHSDU Stands For : hospital sterile and disinfection unit |
HSEHSE Stands For : haemorrhagic shock encephalopathy | Health Survey for England | heat shock response element | hepatic sinusoidal endothelium | high self-esteem | human serum esterase | human skin equivalent | human spongiform encephalopathy | Herpes Simplex Encephalitis | Health and Safety Executive |
HSGHSG Stands For : Health Service Guidance | Health Strategy Group | histamine-succinyl-glycine | Housing Support Group | human serum globulin | hysterosalpingogram | HysteroSalpingoGraphy |
HSIHSI Stands For : Health Service Indicator | Health Status Index | Heaviness of Smoking Index | high signal intensity | Hogwarts Slightly Improved |
HSJHSJ Stands For : Health Service Journal |
HSMC (BU)HSMC (BU) Stands For : Health Services Management Centre (Birmingham University) |
HSMPHSMP Stands For : Highly Skilled Migrant Program |
HSNCHSNC Stands For : historical significant non-complier |
HSPIHSPI Stands For : Health Services Prices Index |
HSSIHSSI Stands For : Higher Severity Service Incident |
HSTHST Stands For : haematopoietic stem cell transplantation | Harvard Step Test | hereditary stomatocytosis | higher surgical trainee | higher surgical training | human serum transferase | hydroxysteroid sulphotransferase | Hypertrophy Specific Training |
HST rotationHST rotation Stands For : higher surgical training rotation |
HTHT Stands For : haematocrit | haplotype | Hashimoto thyroiditis | head trauma | Healing Touch | hearing test | hearing threshold | heart transplant | hepatic tumour | hereditary thrombocytopaenia | hereditary tyrosinaemia | heterosexual | histotechnologist | hormone therapy | human teratocarcinoma | hyperthyroidism | hypnotherapy | Home Treatment | High Threshold | Hypothesis Testing | healing touch | height | Heart | Helium Talking | High Temper | Historical Temperament | Hospital Treatment | Hyper-Thyroidism | Hypertension |
HTAHTA Stands For : Human Tissue Act 2004 | Human Tissue Authority | hyalinising trabecular adenoma | Health Technology Assessment |
HTCSHTCS Stands For : Hospital Travel Costs Scheme |
HTMHTM Stands For : hand-to-mouth | high-technology medicine | human thrombomodulin | human transcriptome map |
HUSHUS Stands For : HAEMOLYTIC URAEMIC SOMEYNDR | Hemolytic Uremic Syndrome |
HVHV Stands For : hepatitis virus | high-viscosity | highly virulent | hypersensitivity vasculitis | hypervolemic | Health Visitor | Half Value | HantaVirus | Healthy Volunteer | High-Volume | heavy | Hepatic vein | Herpes Virus | Home Visit | Hospital Visit | Hyaline Vascular | Hypersensitivity Vasculitis | Hyperventilation | Horse Vitaman |
HWBBHWBB Stands For : Health & Well-Being Board |
I&DeAI&DeA Stands For : Improvement and Development Agency |
I&EI&E Stands For : income and expenditure |
IAPTIAPT Stands For : Improving Access to Psychological Therapies |
IATPIATP Stands For : Integrated Academic Training Pathways | Institute for Agriculture and Trade Policy |
IBIB Stands For : immunoblot | immunoblotting | implantation bleeding | Incapacity Benefit | inclusion body | insulin binding | interstitial brachytherapy | Inflammatory Bowel | Internal Bleeding |
IBDIBD Stands For : interest-bearing debt (!) | irritable bowel disease | ischaemic brain disease | Isolation By Distance | Identity By Descent | inflamatory bowel disease | irritable bowel disease | Inclusion Body Disease | Infectious Bursal Disease | Inflammatory Bowel Disease |
IBMIBM Stands For : ideal body mass See Body mass index | Inclusion Body Myositis |
IBMSIBMS Stands For : Institute of Biomedical Science |
ICIC Stands For : ichthyosis | immune competent | immunochromatography | immunoconjugate | immunocytochemistry | imprinting centre | indeterminate colitis | infantile colic | infectious colitis | inferior cardiac | inferior collicular | inferior colliculus | inflammatory cells | inflammatory cytokines | Information Commissioner | inhaled corticosteroids | inner canthal | inner canthus | inner cortex | inorganic carbon | institutional care | instrument calibration | insular carcinoma | insular cortex | intensive chemotherapy | inter cibum between meals | intermediate |
ICBICB Stands For : Integrated Commissioning Board | intracavitary brachytherapy | intracoronary brachytherapy | intracranial bleeding |
ICCICC Stands For : immunocytochemistry | Indian childhood cirrhosis | infection control committee | Integrated Child Credit | Integrated Commissioning Consortium | intercalated cells | internal conversion coefficient | interstitial cell of Cajal | intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma | invasive cervical carcinoma | Intensive coronary care |
ICDICD Stands For : I cell disease | immune complex disease | implantable cardioverter-defibrillator | induced circular dichroism | International Classification of Disease | Ischaemic Coronary Disease | International Classification of Diseases | International Classification of Diseases | implantable cardioverter defibrillator | Implantable Cardioverter-Defibrillator | implantable cardioverter‰ÛÒdefibrillator | INTERNATIONAL CLASSIFICATION OF DISEASES | International Classification of Diseases (coding system) | Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator | Implantable Cardioverter Defibrill |
ICERICER Stands For : Incremental Cost Effective Ratio |
ICESICES Stands For : Institute for Clinical Evaluative Sciences | Integrated Community Equipment Stores | Information Collection and Evaluation System | International Council of Electrophoresis Societies |
ICGNICGN Stands For : Intercollegiate Group on Nutrition |
ICGTICGT Stands For : Information Governance Toolkit |
ICHICH Stands For : International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use | International Conference on Harmonisation of Technical Requirements for Registration of Pharmaceuticals for Human Use | International Conference of Harmonization | International Conference on Harmonization | Inter Cranial Hemorrhage | Intra-Cranial Hemorrhage | International Co-operation on Harmonisation (of Technical Requirements for the Registration of Veterinary Medicinal Products) | International Co-operation on Harmonization |
ICNAICNA Stands For : Infection Control Nurses Association |
ICPICP Stands For : Integrated Care Pathway | Integrated Care Pilot | Interdisciplinary Care Plan | Intermittent Catheterisation Protocol | Intra-Cranial Pressure | Intrahepatic Cholestasis of Pregnancy | intracranial pressure | Infantile Cerebral Palsy | Inferior Cerebellar Peduncle | Inter-Cranial Pressure | IntraCranial Pressure |
ICRSICRS Stands For : Integrated Care Records Service |
ICTICT Stands For : information communication technology | ImmunoChemoTherapy | Infection Control Team | Insulin Coma Therapy | Immunoreactive ChemoTherapy | Induction ChemoTherapy | Indirect Coombs Test | Intermittent Cervical Traction |
ICUICU Stands For : immune contact urticaria | infant care unit | intermediate care unit | Intensive Care Unit | Intensive Care Unit |
IDAIDA Stands For : Improvement Development Agency | Indian Dental Association | Iron Deficiency Anemia | Iron Deficiency Anemia |
IDDMIDDM Stands For : insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus | Insulin dependent diabetes mellitus | Integrated Dialysis Data Management |
IDFIDF Stands For : infantile digital fibromatosis | insoluble dietary fibre | interim data feed | This term got 7 hits on 07112011 |
IDSUIDSU Stands For : interdepartmental support unit |
IELTS XXIELTS XX Stands For : International English Language Testing System |
IfHIfH Stands For : Investing for Health |
IFMHIFMH Stands For : Information for the Management of Healthcare |
IFRIFR Stands For : Individual Funding Request | isoflavone reductase | Inspiratory Flow Rate |
IFRSIFRS Stands For : International Finance Reporting Standards (!) |
IGIG Stands For : immature granulocyte | immunoglold | information governance | inspiratory gasp | intermediate grade | intervention group | intragastric | IntelliGenetics | Immune globulin | ImmunoGlobulin | Immune globulin | immunoglobulin | Internal Globulin | Italian Greyhound |
IGSIGS Stands For : image-guided surgery | inappropriate gonadotropin secretion | Information Governance Strategy |
IGSGIGSG Stands For : Information Governance Steering Group |
IGSoCIGSoC Stands For : Information Governance Statement of Compliance |
IGTTIGTT Stands For : impaired glucose tolerance test | Information Governance Training Tool |
IHCDIHCD Stands For : Institute of Health and Care Development |
IHEIHE Stands For : infantile haemangioendothelioma | Institute of Hospital Engineering | International Health Exchange | Integrating the Health Enterprise |
IHFIHF Stands For : impaired hepatic function | Industrial Health Foundation | International Health Federation | International Hospital Federation | International Hospital Foundation | ischaemic heart failure |
IHLCIHLC Stands For : International Health Links Centre |
IHMIHM Stands For : implantable haemodynamic monitor | in hospital mortality | infrahyoid muscles | Institute of Healthcare Management | international health and medicine | Indian Head Massage |
IHRIMIHRIM Stands For : Institute of Health Record and Information Management |
IHSMIHSM Stands For : Institute of Health Services Management | Institute of Health Services Managers |
IHTSDOIHTSDO Stands For : International Health Terminology Standards Development Organisation |
IIPIIP Stands For : implantable insulin pump | increased intracranial pressure | indirect immunoperoxidase | Inventory of Interpersonal Problems |
IITTIITT Stands For : Institute of IT Training |
ILAILA Stands For : insulin-like activity | interlobar artery | interlobular artery | International Leprosy Association |
IM&TIM&T Stands For : information management and technology |
IMAIMA Stands For : Indian Medical Association | Industrial Medical Association | inferior meatal antrostomy | internal mammary artery | Irish Medical Association | ischaemia-modified albumin | Institute for Mathematics and its Applications | Ischemia Modified Albumin | inferior mesenteric artery | Inferior Mesenteric Artery | Ischemia Modified Albumin |
IMCAIMCA Stands For : independent mental capacity advocate |
IMDIMD Stands For : immune deficiency | immunodeficiency | index of multiple deprivations | institute for mental diseases | Institution for Mental Diseases | Invasive mold disease | Immune-Mediated Disease | Index of Multiple Deprivation | Inherited Metabolic Disease | Invasive Meningococcal Disease |
IMHAIMHA Stands For : immune-mediated haemolytic anaemia | Independent Medical Health Advocacy Service | Institute of Musculoskeletal Health and Arthritis | Immune Mediated Hemolytic Anemia |
IMIAIMIA Stands For : International Medical Informatics Association | International Medical Interpreters Association |
immsimms Stands For : Primary immunisations |
IMRIMR Stands For : illness management and recovery | individual medical record | Institute for Medical Research | Internal Management Review | interventional magnetic resonance | intramedullary rod | Infant Mortality Rate |
IMTIMT Stands For : immunomodulatory therapy | immunotherapy | inflammatory myofibroblastic tumour | Integrated Multidisciplinary Teams | intima media thickness | Implantable Miniature Telescope | intima-media thickness | Integrative Manual Therapy | Intimal-Medial Thickness |
INNSINNS Stands For : Interim NHS Numbering System |
IOGIOG Stands For : improving outcomes guidance |
IPIP Stands For : immune precipitate | immunoperoxidase | immunophenotype | incontinentia pigmenti | incubation period | infection prevention | inferoposterior | inflammatory pseudotumour | inorganic phosphate | inositol phosphate | inpatient | interpeduncular nucleus | interstitial pneumonia | interstitial pressure | inverted papilloma | ionisation potential | isoelectric point | In Patient | Independent Practice | Intense Pain | initial positive | InterPhalangeal | Interpharangeal | Intra- Peritoneal | intraperitoneal |
IPAIPA Stands For : Indicative Prescribing Amount | International Paediatrics Association | intrapulmonary artery | invasive pulmonary aspergillosis | ImmunoPeroxidase Assay | Independent Physicians Association | Inter-Practice Agreement | ImmunoPeroxidase Assay | Independent Practitioner Association | Inferior Phrenic Artery | Internal Pudendal Artery | Internet Porn Addiction | Intralobar Pulmonary Artery |
IPHAIPHA Stands For : Irish Pharmaceutical Healthcare Association |
IPRIPR Stands For : immediate phase reaction | independent professional review | individual performance review | isoproterenol |
IQAPIQAP Stands For : Information Quality Assurance Programme |
IQCIQC Stands For : instrument quality control | internal quality control |
IQIIQI Stands For : Indicators for Quality Improvement |
IRIR Stands For : immune response | immunoreactive | interim report | internal rotation Rehabilitation medicine | inversion recovery Imaging MRI | inverted repeat Molecular biology | ionising radiation | Index of Response | Individual Referral | Independent Review | Instrument Reference | Intelligence Ratio | IR Inferior rectus | Inferior Rectus | Insulin Resistance | Internal Rotation |
IRPIRP Stands For : idiopathic recurrent pancreatitis | Independent Reconfiguration Panel | independent review panel | insulin-releasing polypeptide | interstitial radiation pneumonitis | intramural research programme | isovolumic relaxation period | Interrupted Renewal Process | Iron Regulatory Protein | International Reference Preparation |
ISBISB Stands For : Information Standards Board | inner spiral bundle | Intercollegiate Specialty Examinations Board | International Society of Biomechanics | interscalene block | Invest to Save Budget |
ISB HaSCISB HaSC Stands For : Information Standards Board for Health and Social Care |
ISCMISCM Stands For : IT Service Continuity Management |
ISIPISIP Stands For : Integrated Service Improvement Programme |
ISMFISMF Stands For : Information Security Management Forum |
ITIT Stands For : iliotibial | immature teratoma | immune tolerance | immunotoxin | induction therapy | inferior temporal | inferior turbinate | inferotemporal | insulin therapy | intention tremor | intermediate trophoblast | intermittent traction | interstitial tissue | intertrochanteric | intradermal test | intrathecal | ischial tuberosity | idiopathic thrombocytopenia | Individual Therapy | Inhalation Therapy | Intensive Therapy | intrathecal |
ITKITK Stands For : inducible tyrosine kinase | Insight Toolkit | Interoperability Toolkit | Interleukin-2-inducible T-cell Kinase |
ITPITP Stands For : idiopathic thrombocytopaenic purpura | immune thrombocytopaenic purpura | individualised treatment plan | innovative training post | inosine triphosphate | intrathoracic pressure | intratracheal pressure | Inverse Treatment Planning | Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura |
ITSITS Stands For : Independent Tribunal Service (abolished | inferior temporal sulcus | Initial Tracing Service | insulin-transferrin-selenium | intertubercular sulcus | Im Tired Syndrome |
ITTITT Stands For : insulin tolerance test | interdisciplinary treatment team | intestinal transit time | Intention To Treat | Internal tibial torsion |
ITUITU Stands For : intensive therapy/treatment unit | international toxic unit | Intensive Therapy Unit |
IWLSIWLS Stands For : Improving Working Lives Standard |
JACIE XXJACIE XX Stands For : Joint Accreditation Committee of the ISCT and the EBMT |
JCABJCAB Stands For : Joint Clinical Advisory Board |
JCBJCB Stands For : Joint Commissioning Board | Journal of Cell Biology |
JCCJCC Stands For : Joint Committee on Contraception | Joint Consultants Committee | Journal of Clinical Chiropractic | junctional channel complex |
JCCCJCCC Stands For : Joint Consultation and Communications Committee |
JCGJCG Stands For : joint commissioning group |
JCGMHJCGMH Stands For : Joint Commissioning Group for Mental Health |
JCGSHJCGSH Stands For : Joint Commissioning Group for Sexual Health |
JCHMTJCHMT Stands For : Joint Committee on Higher Medical Training see there |
JCHSTJCHST Stands For : Joint Committee on Higher Surgical Training |
JCIJCI Stands For : Abbreviation for: | joint clinical intervention | Joint Commission International |
JCIAJCIA Stands For : Joint Committee on Immunology and Allergy | Joint Commission International Accreditation |
JCMGJCMG Stands For : Joint Committee on Medical Genetics |
JCPCTJCPCT Stands For : Joint Committee of PCTs |
JCPTJCPT Stands For : Joint Committee on Pathology Training | Joint Counts for Pain and Tenderness |
JCPTGPJCPTGP Stands For : Joint Committee for Postgraduate Training for General Practice |
JCSTJCST Stands For : Joint Committee on Surgical Training |
JCSTDJCSTD Stands For : Joint Committee for Specialist Training in Dentistry |
JDJD Stands For : Doctor of Jurisprudence | jejunal diverticulitis | junction domain | juvenile diabetes | Jobless Doctors |
JDCJDC Stands For : joint disciplinary committee | junior doctors committee |
JEJE Stands For : Japanese encephalitis | job evaluation | job evaluators | joint effusion | junctional epithelium | junctional escape | Japanese Encephalitis |
JFJF Stands For : joint finance | joint fluid | jugular foramen | juvenile form |
JFCJFC Stands For : Joint Formulary Committee |
JGPITCJGPITC Stands For : Joint GP IT Committee |
JMJM Stands For : Jendrassik manoeuvre | juxtamedullary | Juvenile Myositis |
JNC(J)JNC(J) Stands For : Joint Negotiating Committee (on Juniors) |
JPACJPAC Stands For : Joint Planning Advisory Committee (SWAG) |
JRCPTBJRCPTB Stands For : Joint Royal Colleges of Physicians Training Board |
JSAJSA Stands For : Job Seekers Allowance (!) | Journal of Substance Abuse |
JSNAJSNA Stands For : Joint Strategic Needs AssessmentBritish |
KLOEKLOE Stands For : key lines of enquiry |
KSFKSF Stands For : Key Skills Framework | Knowledge and Skills Framework (NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework) |
LALA Stands For : lactic acidosis | Lambert | laser ablation | laser angioplasty | late antigen | latex agglutination | left atrial | leukocyte adhesion | levator ani | local anaesthesia | low affinity | Local Anesthesia | Lab Assistant | Lumpus Anticoagulant | left arm | left atrium | LeukoAraiosis | Long Acting | Lupus Anticoagulant |
LAALAA Stands For : left atrial appendage | leukaemia-associated antigen | Local Area Agreement | local authority association | low attenuation area | Liberty Air Acknowledgement |
LACLAC Stands For : lactate | lactation | lactic acid | Lactobacillus acidophilus | Lay Advisory Committee | Local Authority Circular | Local Authority Company | lupus anticoagulant | Laceration | Long Arm Cast |
LAHLAH Stands For : left atrial hypertrophy | Licentiate of Apothecaries‰Ûª Hall | low-affinity heparin | Left Anterior Hemiblock |
LALTLALT Stands For : larynx-associated lymphoid tissue in the eye |
LAPISLAPIS Stands For : Locality And Practice Information System |
LARCLARC Stands For : long-acting reversible contraception | long acting reversible contraception | long acting reversible contraception |
LASLAS Stands For : laxative abuse syndrome | Life Attitudes Schedule | locum appointment for service | London Ambulance Service | low amplitude signal | lymphadenopathy syndrome | lymphokine-activated suppressor | Label As Such |
LASSDLASSD Stands For : Local Authority Social Services Department |
LATLAT Stands For : lactic acid threshold | latency | latency-associated transcript | lateral atrial tunnel | latex agglutination test | latissimus dorsi | lidocaine | locum appointment for training | lateral | Last Action Type | Lateral | Lidocaine |
LBCLBC Stands For : lamellar body count | liquid-based cytology | load-bearing capacity | lymphoid blast crisis |
LCALCA Stands For : lateral costal artery | left carotid artery | left circumflex artery | leukocyte common antigen | lithocholic acid | liver cell adenoma | Logical Connection Architecture | Left Coronary Artery |
LCCBLCCB Stands For : local collaborative commissioning board |
LCFSLCFS Stands For : Locality Counterfraud Specialist |
LCVLCV Stands For : large cell variant | lateral cerebral ventricle | limited clinical value (procedures of limited clinical value) | lymphocytc choriomeningitis virus | LeukoCytoclastic Vasculitis | Laboratoire Central V̩t̩rinaire |
LDLD Stands For : L-dopa | lactase deficiency | lactate dehydrogenase | Lafora disease | lamina densa | Laron dwarfism | lateral dorsal | Leishmania donovani | leukocyte depletion | Liberal Democrat (!) | light dark | limit of detection | linkage disequilibrium | lipodystrophy | liver disease | living donor | loading dose | local democracy (!) | local development | luminal diameter | lymphocyte depletion | lymphoproliferative disorder | Labor & Delivery | Lactic Dehydrogenase | Low Dose | Lethal Dose | Logarithm Digitalis | low dose | letahal dose | lethal dos |
LDAFLDAF Stands For : Learning Disabilities Award Framework |
LDCLDC Stands For : leucocyte differential count | lidocaine | Local Dental Committee | lysine decarboxylase |
LDPBLDPB Stands For : Learning Development Partnership Board |
LDSLDS Stands For : lacrimal drainage system | late developmental stage | local development scheme | locked door seclusion |
LEALEA Stands For : labour epidural analgesia | lead education agency | Lewis a | lower extremity amputation | lumbar epidural anaesthesia | Late Embryogenesis Abundant |
LELLEL Stands For : large extracellular loop | lower explosive limit (!) | lowest effect level | lymphoepithelial lesion |
LEOLEO Stands For : Leading Empowered Organisations | Law Enforcement Officer |
LEPTLEPT Stands For : Learning Environment for Pathology Trainees |
LESLES Stands For : Lower OEsophageal Sphincter | Lipid Extract Surfactant | Lower Esophageal Sphincter | Lambert-Eaton Syndrome | LESion | Lower Esophageal Sphincter |
LESLPLESLP Stands For : London Emergency Services Liaison Panel |
LGALGA Stands For : left gastric artery | light for gestational age Rarely used in practice | low grade astrocytoma | Large For Gestational Age | Local Government Association |
LGBTLGBT Stands For : Lesbian Gay Bisexual & Transgender | Lesbian Gay Bisexual Or Transgender |
LHBLHB Stands For : lateral habenular nucleus | left heart bypass | Local Health Board (Wales) | long head of biceps |
LHCLHC Stands For : lead hazard control | left heart catheterisation | Local Health Community | Local Health Council |
LHCCLHCC Stands For : local health care co-operative (Scotland) |
LHELHE Stands For : latent hepatic encephalopathy | light and heat energy | local health economy |
LHGLHG Stands For : local health group (Wales) | Left Hand Grip |
LHPLHP Stands For : late hyperpolarising potential | latent hypoparathyroidism | local health partnership | local health plan |
LHVNLHVN Stands For : Locality Health Voice Network |
LIFTLIFT Stands For : Late Intervention Following Thrombolysis | Local Implementation Finance Trust |
LIGLIG Stands For : ligation | local implementation group | ligament |
LINLIN Stands For : linoleic acid | lobular intraepithelial neoplasia | Local Intelligence Network | low-income neighbourhood | lysis inhibition | Laryngeal Intraepithelial Neoplasia | linimentum - liniment |
LINksLINks Stands For : Local Involvement Networks |
LISLIS Stands For : lanthanide-induced shift | left intercostal space | liposome immunosensor | lissencephaly | lobular in situ | locked in syndrome | low intermittent suction | low ionic strength | low-income subsidy | lymphocytic infiltration of the skin | Laboratory Information System | Lacking In Serotonin | Living Information System |
LISALISA Stands For : less invasive surgical approach | LHC‰ÛÒLocal Health Community IM&T‰ÛÒInformation Management and Technology Self Assessment | localised in situ amplification |
LITLIT Stands For : local immune therapy | lumbar infusion test | Leukocyte Immune Therapy | Leukocyte Immunization Therapy |
LIZLIZ Stands For : London Initiative Zone |
LLLLLL Stands For : La Leche League | left lobe of liver | Leave Lower Left | left lower lobe (lung) | Le Leche League | Left Lower Leg | Left Lower Lid | Left Lower Lobe | Left Lower Lung |
LLMLLM Stands For : lipid-laden macrophage | Master of Laws |
LMCLMC Stands For : lateral motor column | left main coronary artery | left middle cerebral artery | lymphocyte-mediated cytotoxicity | Local Medical Committee |
LMDTLMDT Stands For : local multi-disciplinary team |
LMRLMR Stands For : Local Modernisation Review | Left medial rectus (of eye) |
LMSLMS Stands For : lateral medullary syndrome | left main stem | Licentiate of Medicine and Surgery | Laboratory Management System | Laboratory Management System | LeioMyoSarcoma |
LMSG Traffic Light SystemLMSG Traffic Light System Stands For : Leicestershire Medicines Strategy Group traffic light system |
LMSSALMSSA Stands For : Licentiate of Medicine & Surgery of The Society of Apothecaries |
LMTLMT Stands For : left main trunk | leukocyte migration test | long-term memory | Last Minute Treatment |
LMWAGLMWAG Stands For : Local Medical Workforce Advisory Group | This body appears to have had its heyday from 1996 to 2000-ish With 58 hits on 08112011 |
LNGLNG Stands For : levonorgestrol | local negotiating committee | levonorgestrel |
LOALOA Stands For : Leber optic atrophy | left occiput anterior | linoleic acid | loosening of association | loss of attachment | lysis of adhesions | Live On Arrival | Law of Attraction | Left Occipitoanterior |
LOBNHLOBNH Stands For : lights on but nobody home (!) |
LOCLOC Stands For : lateral occipital complex | lower oesophageal contractility | Length of Confinement | Level Of Care | loss of consciousness | Level Of Care | Level Of Consciousness | Loss Of Consciousness |
LoC FIN DOCLoC FIN DOC Stands For : Letter of Competence for Faculty Instructing Doctors |
LoC IUTLoC IUT Stands For : Letter of Competence in Intrauterine Techniques |
LoC SDILoC SDI Stands For : Letter of Competence in Subdermal Implants |
LOSLOS Stands For : late onset schizophrenia | late onset sepsis | longitudinal observational study | low output syndrome | lower oesophageal sphincter | Length Of Stay | Loss Of Sight |
LPALPA Stands For : lateral patellofemoral angle | Lease Plus Agreement | left pulmonary artery | lipoprotein A | local planning authority | Locally Preferred Alternative | Lipoprotein(a) |
LPCLPC Stands For : last patient complete | late positive complex | lateral periodontal cyst | lipid protein complex | Local Pharmaceutical Committee | loose patch clamp | lysophosphatidylcholine | Laurel Pregnancy Center | Laboratory Pasteurized Count |
LPfITLPfIT Stands For : London Programme for IT |
LPOLPO Stands For : last patient out | lateral preoptic area | Left Posterior Oblique | Light perception only |
LPSLPS Stands For : lateral premotor system | levator palpebrae superioris | liposarcomas | Local Pharmaceutical Scheme | local pharmaceutical services | Lovastatin Pravastatin Study | lumbar punctures | lymphoproliferative syndrome | LipoPolySaccharide | Large Polyp Stony | Large Polyp Scleractinian | Large Polyp Stoneys | Levator Palebrae Superioris | LipoPolySaccharide | Little Pink Starfish |
LQFLQF Stands For : Leadership Qualities Framework (NHS Leadership Framework) |
LRALRA Stands For : Land Retained Agreement | lateral right atrium | left renal artery | logistic regression analysis |
LRCPLRCP Stands For : Licentiate | Licensed Respiratory Care Practitioner |
LRCP&SLRCP&S Stands For : Licentiate |
LRCSLRCS Stands For : Licentiate |
LRFLRF Stands For : large restriction fragment | lateral reticular formation | Leukemia Research Foundation | LH-releasing factor | Local Resilience Forum | luteinizing hormone releasing factor | Leukaemia Research Fund | Leukemia Research Fund | Leukemia Research Fund |
LRFP&SLRFP&S Stands For : Licentiate |
LRIMHLRIMH Stands For : Leicester Royal Infirmary Maternity Hospital |
LSCLSC Stands For : last subject complete | Lichen Simplex Choronicus | Learning and Skills Council |
LSCBLSCB Stands For : local safeguarding children board |
LSCGLSCG Stands For : local specialised commissioning group |
LSDLSD Stands For : lesions simulating disease | Letterer-Siwe disease | lipid storage disease | local service desk | local spin density low sodium diet | low salt diet | lumpy skin disease | lysosomal storage disease | Lysosomal Storage Disorder | lysergic acid diethylamide | Lysosomal storage diseases | Last Stage Of Delirium |
LSILSI Stands For : last subject in |
LSMSLSMS Stands For : Local Security Management Specialist |
LSOLSO Stands For : last subject out | Left Salpingo-Oophorectomy | Local Serving Office | Lutetium OxyorthoSilicate |
LSPLSP Stands For : left sacrum posterior | local service partnership | local service provider | Large Supernatant Protein | Last Scope Position | Lumbar SPine |
LSVLSV Stands For : lateral sacral vein | left subclavian vein | Lone Star virus | Long Saphenous Vein |
LTALTA Stands For : large T antigen | laser thermal ablation | laser thermal angioplasty | laser trabecular ablation | lead tetraacetate | leisure time activity | life-threatening asthma | lifetime allowance | lipoteichoic acid | long-term adaptation | long-term agreement | Lotus tetragonolobus agglutinin | lung tumor-associated antigen | lymphocyte toxicity assay | lymphocyte transformation assay | lymphotoxin alpha | Late Term Abortion |
LTCLTC Stands For : large transformed cell | leukotriene C | local tumour control | long-term care | long-term condition | lysed tumour cell | Long Term Care | Long Term Care |
LTCHLTCH Stands For : long-term care hospital | Long-Term Acute Care Hospital | LONG-TERM CARE HOSPITAL |
LTFMLTFM Stands For : long term financial model | long term fiscal model |
LTFT trainingLTFT training Stands For : Less than full-time training |
LTMLTM Stands For : lean tissue mass | learning to manage (health information) | long-term memory | Long Term Memory |
LTRSRLTRSR Stands For : Labelling |
LVDLVD Stands For : large vessel disease | left ventricular diameter | left ventricular dysfunction | lymphatic vessel density |
LVSDLVSD Stands For : left ventricular systolic dysfunction |
LYSLYS Stands For : life years saved | lysine |
MAMA Stands For : mandelic acid | masseter | maternal age | maternity allowance | medical assistance | medical authorisation | menstrual age | metal age | mixed agglutination | Modernisation Agency | motor area | Mycobacterium avium | Medical Accident | Medical Appointment | Medicare Advantage | Mercury Amalgam | Motorcycle Accident | Monophyletic Assemblage | Medical authorization | Mental Age | Metamorphic Anamorphosis | Moderately Advanced | Muscle Activity |
MAAGMAAG Stands For : Medical Audit Advisory Group | Multidisciplinary Audit Advisory Group |
MACMAC Stands For : Macintosh (computer) | major ambulatory category | maximum acceptable concentration | maximum aerobic capacity | Medical Advisory Committee | Medicare Appeals Council | membrane attack complex | Mental Adjustment to Cancer scale | Migration Advisory Committee | minimum antibiotic concentration | mitral annular calcification | Medication Access Computer | Minimum Alveolar Concentration | Monitored Anaesthesia Care | Morning and Afternoon Care | Mammalian Artificial Chromosome | Marker And Cell | Minimum Alveolar Concentration | Mycobacterium avium complex | |
MACSMACS Stands For : Migration Analysis Cleansing Service | Maroondah Approach to Clinical Services | Multi Aids Cohort Study | Multicenter Aids Cohort Study | Minimal Access Cranial Suspension |
MADELMADEL Stands For : Medical And Dental Education Levy |
MADENMADEN Stands For : Medical And Dental Education Network |
MAFMAF Stands For : Management Accountancy Framework | Multidimensional Assessment of Fatigue | Macrophage Activating Factor | Maximum Aerobic Function |
MAGGOTMAGGOT Stands For : medically able |
MALDAMALDA Stands For : Multi-Agency Learning Disability Assessment | This term got 6 hits on 22102011 and is thus assumed to have been retired |
MANCASMANCAS Stands For : Manchester Care Assessment Schedule |
MAPMAP Stands For : magnesium ammonium phosphate | malignant atrophic papulosis | mandibular angle plane | maturation-activated protein | maximum aerobic power | mean airway pressure | medical advantage plan | medical aid post Military medicine | medical assessment process | medical assistance plan | medical audit programme | medically-assisted procreation | Medicare Advocacy Project | medication administration record | megaloblastic anaemia of pregnancy | melphalan | membrane-associated protein | mercapturic acid pathway | mesenteric arterial pressure | microtubule-associat |
MAPAMAPA Stands For : management of actual and potential aggression |
MAPPAMAPPA Stands For : Multi Agency Public Protection Arrangements |
MARACMARAC Stands For : Multi Agency Risk Assessment Conference |
MARAPMARAP Stands For : Multi Agency Risk Assessment Panel |
MARSMARS Stands For : Mutually Agreed Resignation Scheme | Medical Amateur Radio Society | Molecular Adsorbent Recirculating System |
MASMAS Stands For : magnesium aluminum silicate | Marital Adjustment Scale | masseter | McCune-Albright syndrome | milk-alkali syndrome | minimal access surgery | Minor Ailment Scheme | motor assessment scale | myoclonic absence seizure | Marker Assisted Selection | Manifest anxiety scale | Meconium Aspiration Syndrome |
MASCMASC Stands For : masculine | Medical Academic Staff Committee | Medical Advisers Support Centre | Male Abuse Survivors Centre |
MASTMAST Stands For : mastectomy | mastitis | mastoid | medical antishock trousers | military anti shock trousers | mitochondrial aspartate aminotransferase | mitochondrial AST | motion artifact suppression technique | mRNA accessible site tagging | multi-agency support team | Multi-Attitude Suicide Tendency Scale | Medical Anti-Shock Trousers | Minimal Access Spinal Technologies | Medical Anti-Shock Trousers |
MAT B1 XXMAT B1 XX Stands For : Maternity Certificate B1 |
MAUMAU Stands For : Medical admission unit | Medical Assessment Unit | MicroAlbumin Urine lab test | Egyptian: Cat |
MBMB Stands For : main bronchus | Mallory body | mamillary body | mammillary body | maternal blood | Medicinae Baccalaureus‰ÛÒBachelor of Medicine | medulloblastoma | methyl bromide | methylene blue | midbrain | myocardial bridge | myoglobin | Miracle Baby | MegaBase | Muscle Back | Muscle Balance | Myocardial B |
MB BChir XXMB BChir XX Stands For : Bachelor of Medicine |
MB BS XXMB BS XX Stands For : Bachelor of Medicine |
MB ChB XXMB ChB XX Stands For : Bachelor of Medicine |
MBCMBC Stands For : maximum binding capacity | medullary breast cancer | metastatic breast cancer | metastatic breast carcinoma | methotrexate | mitral balloon commissurotomy | monocytoid B-cell | Medical Board of California | Massachusetts Biotechnology Council | Minimum Bactericidal Concentration | Male Breast Cancer | Maximum Bladder Capacity | Maximum Breathing Capacity | Migratory Bird Center |
MCMC Stands For : mass casualties | mast cell | maximum concentration | Medicines Commission | medullary carcinoma | medullary cavity | meningococcal | menstrual cycle | mercuric chloride | Merkel cell | mesangial cell | mesothelial cell | metacarpal | microcalcification | microcirculation | microtubule centre | mineralocorticoid | minimal change | minocycline | mitochondria | mitomycin C | mitotic count | mitral commissurotomy | mixed cellularity | mixed cryoglobulinaemia | molluscum contagiosum | mononuclear cell | motor cortex | mucinous carcinoma | mucocutaneo |
MCAMCA Stands For : Medical Control Agency | Mental Capacity Act | methylated CpG island amplification | motorcycle accident | mucinous cystadenoma | multiple congenital anomalies | Medicines Control Agency (UK) | Middle Cerebral Artery | Medicines Control Agency |
MCCDMCCD Stands For : medical certificate of cause of death |
MChDMChD Stands For : Magister Chirurgiae Dentium |
MChOrthMChOrth Stands For : Magister Chirurgiae Orthopaedium |
MCHSMCHS Stands For : myocerebrohepatopathy spectrum | myocerebrohepatopathy syndrome |
MCIMCI Stands For : mandibular cortical index | manually controlled infusion | mean cardiac index | mucociliary clearability index | multiple casualty incident | Medical Council of India | Mild Cognitive Impairment | mild cognitive impairment | Mild Cognitive Impairment | Millicurie | Mobile Computer Injury |
MCQMCQ Stands For : medical care quality | Memory Compensation Questionnaire | multiple-choice questions (MCQ) |
MCRGMCRG Stands For : Medical Career Research Group | This term got 38 hits on 22102011 |
MDMD Stands For : myocardial disease | Manic Depressant | Medical Department | Medical Doctor | Mind Destroying | Mis-Diagnosis | Malate Dehydrogenase | Male treated with Deoxycorticosterone | Medical Doctor | Medium Dosage | MethylDopa | Minimum Dosage | Moderately Differentiated | Macular Degeneration | Magnesium Deficiency | Malic De-hydrogenase | Manic Depressive | Mantoux Diameter | Medio-Dorsal | Mesio-Distal | Mitral Disease | Monocular Deprivation Ophthalmology | Motion-Defined | Movement Disorder | Muscular Dystrophy | Myocardial Damage | Myotonic Dystrophy |
MDAMDA Stands For : manual dilation of the anus | MD anaesthesiologist | medical device alert | medical device amendments | megadalton | mento-dextra anterior‰ÛÒobstetrics | methydopamine | methylenedioxymethamphetamine/3 | Muscular Dystrophy Association | Methylene Dioxy Amphetamine | Minimum Detectable Activity |
MDAPMDAP Stands For : multi-deanery appointment process (obsolete) | Medical Device Application Profile |
MDAUMDAU Stands For : maternal day assessment unit (day assessment unit) |
MDBTMDBT Stands For : maternal day assessment unit (day assessment unit) |
MDDMDD Stands For : Doctor of Dental Medicine | minimum detected dose | multiple daily dosing | Medical Data Drill | Medical Device Directive | major depressive disorder | Major Depressive Disorder | Mal De Debarquement Syndrome | Mean Daily Dose |
MDDUSMDDUS Stands For : Medical and Dental Defence Union of Scotland |
MDSMDS Stands For : major depressive syndrome | Master of Dental Surgery | mesonephric duct system | Miller-Dieker Syndrome | myelodysplastic syndrome | Myelo Dysplastic Syndrome | Movement Disorder Specialist | Myelo Dysplastic Syndrome |
MDTMDT Stands For : maggot debridement therapy | mast degeneration test | mean death time | mean dissolution time | median detection threshold | medical design technology | microsurgical DREZotomy | mirror drawing test | multidisciplinary teamBritish | multiple drug therapy | Multi Disciplinary Team | Motivational Dog Training |
MDUMDU Stands For : multiple disability unit | More Dicto Utendus (to be used as directed) |
MEAMEA Stands For : cysteamine | mean electrical axis | mercaptoethylamine | microelectrode array | microwave endometrial ablation | middle ear adenoma | modern equivalent asset | multiple endocrine adenomatosis | multiple endocrine adenomatosis; multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) is generally preferred | Membrane Electrode Assembly |
MECMEC Stands For : Management Education for Clinicians | Management Executive Committee | mechlorethamine | meclofenamate | meconium | median effective concentration | middle ear canal | mouse embryo cell | mucoepidermoid carcinoma |
MEMSAMEMSA Stands For : myoclonic epilepsy myopathy sensory ataxia |
MENCAPMENCAP Stands For : Royal Mencap Society (formerly |
MEPMEP Stands For : medical expert panel | meperidine | metalloendopeptidase | middle ear pressure | motor end plate | motor evoked potential | Metallo Endo-Peptidase | Maximum Expiratory Pressure | megakaryocyte-erythroid progenitor cell | Motor End Platelet | Motor Evoked Potentials |
MERITMERIT Stands For : Medical Emergency Response Incident Team |
MERVEMERVE Stands For : Medical Emergency Response Vehicle |
MESBMESB Stands For : Medical Education Standards Board |
MFAEMMFAEM Stands For : Member |
MFDSMFDS Stands For : Member |
MFFMFF Stands For : market forces factor | metal fume fever |
MFFPMFFP Stands For : Member |
MFOccMMFOccM Stands For : Member |
MFPHMFPH Stands For : Member | Monroe Family Pet Hospital |
MFPharmMMFPharmM Stands For : Member |
MFPHMMFPHM Stands For : Member |
MGSMGS Stands For : malignancy grading system | Meckel Gruber syndrome | membranous glomerulosclerosis | minimum government standard | muscle glycogen synthase | Meckel-Gruber Syndrome |
MGSAMGSA Stands For : melanoma growth stimulating activity |
MHMH Stands For : maintenance hemodialysis | malignant histiocytosis | malignant hypertension | malignant hyperthermia | medial habenula | medial hamstring | medial hypothalamus | menstrual history | mesenchymal hamartoma | microscopic haematuria | migraine headache | minor histocompatibility | molecular hybridisation | Mueller-Hinton | muscular hypertrophy | myocardial hypertrophy | Master Herbalist | mass hysteria | Medical Hold | Medical Humanities | mental health | Malignant Hypersensitivity | Marital history | Medical History | Mental Health |
MHACMHAC Stands For : Mental Health Act Commission |
MHEMHE Stands For : malignant haemangioendothelioma | Mental Health Enquiry | multiple hereditary exostosis | Multiple Hereditary Exostoses |
MHMDSMHMDS Stands For : mental health minimum data set |
MHPAFMHPAF Stands For : mental health performance assessment framework | This definition got 10 hits on 22102011 and is thus unlikely to be in active use |
MHPRAMHPRA Stands For : Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Agency (MHRA) |
MHPSSMHPSS Stands For : Manchester Health Promotion Specialist Service | Mental Health and Psychosocial Support Network |
MHRA XXMHRA XX Stands For : Medicines and Healthcare Regulatory Authority |
MHRTMHRT Stands For : Mental Health Review Tribunal (Mental Health Tribunal) |
MHSWRMHSWR Stands For : Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations |
MIDIRSMIDIRS Stands For : Midwife Information and Resource Service |
MIGMIG Stands For : measles immune globulin | Medical Information Group | Medicare Insured Group (US | membrane immunoglobulin; surface immunoglobulin (sIg) is generally preferred | Midwife Information Group | monoclonal immunoglobulin | Monokine induced by interferon gamma |
MIMMSMIMMS Stands For : Major Incident Medical Management and Support |
MIMSMIMS Stands For : medical inventory management system | Migraine and Myocardial Ischaemia Study | Monthly Index of Medical Specialities |
MIMTMIMT Stands For : Major Incident Management Team |
MINAPMINAP Stands For : Myocardial Infarction National Audit Project |
MINIMINI Stands For : Mental Illness Needs Index |
Mini CEX XXMini CEX XX Stands For : Miniature clinical examination (Mini-CEX) |
Mini PAT XXMini PAT XX Stands For : Mini peer assessment tool (Mini-PAT) |
MINTSMINTS Stands For : Minor Injury Nurse Treatment Specialist |
MIRASMIRAS Stands For : mitochondrial recessive ataxia syndrome |
MIREMIRE Stands For : Major Incident Response Executive |
MLSOMLSO Stands For : Medical Laboratory Scientific Officer |
MMCMMC Stands For : macrophage-mediated cytotoxicity | massive myocardial calcification | methylmercuric chloride | minimum medullary concentration | mitomycin C | Modernising Medical Careers | mucosal mast cells | mucosal-type mast cells | Maine Medical Center | Macro Molecular Complex | Maximum Mass Concentration | Migrating Motility Complex | Migrating Motor Complex |
MMed (Paed)MMed (Paed) Stands For : Master |
MMed (Sci)MMed (Sci) Stands For : Master |
MMGMMG Stands For : malignant monoclonal gammopathy | mammography | Medicines Management Group | medical management guidelines |
MMRMMR Stands For : masseter muscle rigidity | maternal mortality rate | measles | Medication Management Review (Australia) | mildly mentally retarded | mouth-to-mouth resuscitation | mutation in mismatch repair | myocardial metabolic rate | Macro- Molecular Resource | Mouse Mutant Resource | Macro- Molecular Resource | Measles | Maximum Metabolic Rate | Measles | measles mumps and rubella |
MMSACMMSAC Stands For : Medical Manpower Standing Advisory Committee |
MMSLMMSL Stands For : Medicines Management Safety Lead |
MNCMNC Stands For : Modernising Nursing Careers | mononuclear cells | multinucleated cells |
MNGIEMNGIE Stands For : mitochondrial neurogastrointestinal encephalopathy |
MOMO Stands For : mesial occlusal | morbid obesity | morphine | myositis ossificans | Male Only | Mono-Oxygenase | MOnoclonal | Medical Officer | Membrane Oxygenator | Methyl Orange | Micro-Organism | MOnocyte | Multiple Osteochondromas | Mandibular Organ | Medical Oddity | Medulla Oblongata | Mitral Opening | Morbidly Obese | Mouth Opening | Month |
MoDMoD Stands For : maturity-onset diabetes | mean optical density | medic on duty | medical officer of day | mesio-occlusodistal | mode of death | multiorgan donors | multiple organ dysfunction | Medical Officer of the Day | Medicine On Delivery | March Of Dimes | MODerate |
MOEHMOEH Stands For : Medical Officer for Environmental Health |
MOHMOH Stands For : Medical Officer of Health (Director of Public Health) | medication overuse headache | Medical Officer of Health |
MoMMoM Stands For : Map of Medicine | mitochondrial outer membrane | multiple of the median | Metal-On-Metal | metal-on-metal | Milk Of Magnesia | Millennium Occupational Medicine | milk of magnesia |
MORMOR Stands For : matched odds ratio | median odds ratio | Millennium Operating Regime | morphine | mortality odds ratio | Michigan Operating Room | Mortal Oscillatory Rate |
MoUMoU Stands For : midwife obstetric unit | Maximum Oxygen Uptake |
MPMP Stands For : macular pigment | male pseudohermaphroditism | maternal plasma | mating population | matrix protein | maxillary process | mean pressure | melphalan | membrane potential | mesangial proliferation | metacarpal phalangeal | metalloproteinase | metatarsophalangeal | methylprednisone | metoprolol | microscopic polyarteritis | micturition pressure | middle phalanx | midplane | mitral prolapse | molecular pathology | mononuclear phagocytic | monophasic | monophosphate | monopolar | motor potential | multiparous | multiplanar | multiprogrammable pacemaker |
MPAMPA Stands For : main pulmonary artery | Markov process amplitude | Master of Pharmacy Administration | maximal planar area | maximal profile area | mean pulmonary arterial | medial plantar artery | medial preoptic area | Medical Prescribing Adviser | Medical Procurement Agency | medroxiprogesterone acetate | mercaptopropionic acid | methylprednisolone acetate | microscopic polyarteritis | minor physical anomaly | mycophenolic acid | Medroxyprogesterone Acetate | Mean Pulmonary Artery | medroxyprogesterone acetate |
MPCMPC Stands For : mean plasma concentration | mean platelet count | medial prefrontal cortex | medial premotor cortex | Medical Patterns of Care | Medical Practices Committee (abolished | Medical Provider Component | meiotic pairing centre | Mental Processing Composite | multicatalytic proteinase complex | muscle precursor cell | myeloma plasma cell | Milk Peptide Complex | Maximum permissible concentration | Mobile Patient Charting |
MPET XXMPET XX Stands For : Multi-Professional Education and Training |
MPHMPH Stands For : male pseudohermaphroditism | massive pulmonary haemorrhage | methylphenidate hydrochloride | microtiter plate hybridisation | multicomponent phenol hydroxylase | Masters in Public Health | Master of Public Health |
MPharmMPharm Stands For : Master of Pharmacy |
MPIMPI Stands For : mannose phosphate isomerase | maximum point of impulse | mean pixel intensity | Medicare Provider Inventory | megakaryocyte proliferation index | mucus protease inhibitor | Multidimensional Pain Inventory | Multiphasic Personality Inventory | Multiprofessional Institute | Multivariate Prognostic Index | myocardial performance index | Master Patient Index | Myocardial Perfusion Imaging | Myocardial Perfusion Imaging | Medical & Pharmaceutical Information |
MPSMPS Stands For : Macular Photocoagulation Study | Market Penetration Survey | marriage prediction schedule Psychology | Master Patient Survey | Maternal Perinatal Scale | mean particle size | meconium plug syndrome | medial pallidal segment | medial premotor system | Medical Provider Survey | Member | metalloproteinases | meters/second | methylprednisolone | Modernising Public Services | mononuclear phagocytic system | Montreal platelet syndrome | movement-produced stimuli Neurology | mucopolysaccharide | mucopolysaccharidosis | mucosal prolapse syndrome | multidimensio |
MPTMPT Stands For : malignant phyllodes tumour | maximum part time | mechanical pain threshold | mechanical pressure therapy | metabolic profile test | methylprednisolone pulse therapy | muscle provocation test | Mycobacterium paratuberculosis | Melphalan |
MRCMRC Stands For : magnetic resonance cholangiography | magnetic resonance cisternography | magnetic resonance colonography | Medical Registration Council | Medical Research Council | Medical Research Council | Mitochondrial Respiratory Chain | Mutant Research Centre | Medical Research Council | Medican Research Council | Medical Research Council | Mitral Ring Calcification | Multilocular Renal Cyst | Meat Research Corporation ( Australia) |
MRCAMRCA Stands For : magnetic resonance coronary angiography | Member |
MRCGP XXMRCGP XX Stands For : Member |
MRCOMRCO Stands For : Member |
MRCOAMRCOA Stands For : Medical Research Council trial in Older Adults |
MRCOGMRCOG Stands For : Member |
MRCOphthMRCOphth Stands For : Member |
MRCP(I) XXMRCP(I) XX Stands For : Member |
MRCP(XYZ) XXMRCP(XYZ) XX Stands For : Member of the Royal College of Physicians of (Edinburgh) |
MRCPathMRCPath Stands For : Member |
MRCPCHMRCPCH Stands For : Member |
MRCPSMRCPS Stands For : Member |
MRCPsychMRCPsych Stands For : Member |
MRCRMRCR Stands For : Member |
MRCSMRCS Stands For : Member |
MRECMREC Stands For : mismatch repair enzyme cleavage | Multicentre Research Ethics Committee (ethics committee) | microbial reverse electrodialysis cell | Multi-centre Research Ethics Committee |
MRHAMRHA Stands For : Medicines and Healthcare Products Regulatory Authority |
MROMRO Stands For : Medical Records Officer | Muscle Receptor Organ |
MRPharmSMRPharmS Stands For : Member of the Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain |
MRSA XXMRSA XX Stands For : Meticillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus |
MRTMRT Stands For : Metabolic response testing | Magnetic Resonance Therapy | Mean Residence Time | Mean Response Time | Medical Radiologic Technologist | Malignant Rhabdoid Tumour | Matrix Regeneration Therapy |
MSMS Stands For : Maffuci syndrome | magnesium sulphate | maintenance and servicing | maladjustment score Psychology | malate synthase | malignant schwannoma | Manchester Scale | mandibular series | Manduca sexta | mannose-sensitive | marbling score | Marfan syndrome | marital status | masochism and sadism | mass screening | mass spectra | Master of Surgery | maternal separation | maternal serum | maxillary sinus | mean score | mean sensitivity | mean survival | mechanical stimulation | mechanical stress | Meckel syndrome | medial septum | median survival | mediast |
MSACMSAC Stands For : Maternity Services Advisory Committee | Medical Services Advisory Committee |
MSCMSC Stands For : major septic complication | major symptom complex | marrow stem cells | Masters of Science | Materials Services Center | medial septum complex | Medical Services Committee | medical smart card | medical staff corps | Medicare Status Code | medicines selection committee | membrane secretory component | mid-systolic click | migrating spike complex | Modernising Scientific Careers | Moloney sarcoma cell | morphine sulphate | motile sperm count | motor-sensory cortex | myeloid suppressor cells | Mesenchymal Stem Cell | Mesenchymal Stem Cell | Medicines Sel |
MSFMSF Stands For : mean spectral frequency | meconium-stained fluid | M̩decins Sans Fronti̬res | Mediterranean spotted fever | megakaryocyte stimulating factor | melanocyte-stimulating factor | multi-source feedback | Multiple Sclerosis Foundation | Molecular Simulations File | M̩dicins Sans Fronti̬res (Doctors Without Borders) |
MSKMSK Stands For : medullary sponge kidney | Memorial Sloan-Kettering | musculoskeletal | musculoskeletal medicine | Musculoskeletal Service | Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center | Musculo-SKeletal |
MSLCMSLC Stands For : Maternity Services Liaison Committee |
MSOPMSOP Stands For : minimum standard of performance | Mutual Security Objectives Plan |
MSPMSP Stands For : macrophage-stimulating protein | major secretory protein | Medicare Secondary Payer (USA) | Medical Service Provider | matching to sample | Maximum Spawning Potential |
MSSMSS Stands For : Master of Social Service | Medicare Statistical System | Medium Secure Service | meningococcal septic shock | mental status schedule | microsatellite stability | middle suprasylvian sulcus | minor surgery suite | morphine sulfate solution | Motor Status Scale | multiple sclerosis susceptibility | muscular subaortic stenosis | musculoskeletal symptoms | Maternal Serum Screening | Maternity Support Services | Medical Social Services | Motion Sickness Susceptibility | Mucus-Stimulating Substance | Multi-Sensory Stimulation | Musculo-Skeletal System |
MTMT Stands For : Massage Therapist | Medical Technology | Medical Transcription | Mitochondrial Targeting | Membrane Type | Miniature Tube | Medical Technology | Malignant Tertian fever | Mantoux Test | Manual Traction | Maximal Therapy | More Than | Muscle Test | Muscles And Tendons | Maternal Transfer |
MTIMTI Stands For : malignant teratoma | Medical Training Initiative | minimum time interval | molecular topological index | Modular Transitional Implants | Modular Transitional Implant |
MTPDMTPD Stands For : maximum tolerable period of disruption |
MTPODMTPOD Stands For : maximum tolerable period of disruption |
MURMUR Stands For : Medicaid Utilization Rate | medicines use review | mu opioid receptor | muramic acid | myocardial uptake ratio | Medicine Use Review |
MUSCLEMUSCLE Stands For : Multi Station Clinical Examination (OSCE) |
MWCMWC Stands For : maximum work capacity | Mental Welfare Commission | Maximum Wellness Center |
MWCSMWCS Stands For : Mental Welfare Commission for Scotland (Mental Welfare Commission) |
MWSACMWSAC Stands For : Medical Workforce Standing Advisory Committee |
MWSAGMWSAG Stands For : Medical Workforce Standing Advisory Group | This term had 28 hits on 22102011 |
N&MCN&MC Stands For : Nursing and Midwifery Council |
N3 SPN3 SP Stands For : N3 Service Provider |
N3 XXN3 XX Stands For : New National Network |
N3SPN3SP Stands For : N3 Service Provider |
NACNAC Stands For : N-acetylcarnosine | N-acetylcysteamine | National Addiction Centre | National Association of Cytologists | National Asthma Campaign | National Asthma Center | National Asthma Council Australia | near attack conformation | near attack conformer | needle aspiration cytology | Needs Assessment Checklist | Neighborhood Asthma Coalition | neoadjuvant chemotherapy | nipple-areolar complex | non-alcoholic cirrhosis | Not A Candidate | Not A Chain | N-acetylcysteine | Neuro Associative Conditioning |
NACGPNACGP Stands For : National Association of Commissioning General Practitioners |
NACPMENACPME Stands For : National Advice Centre for Postgraduate Medical Education |
NAFHPNAFHP Stands For : National Association of Fundholding Practices (now extinct) |
NAGNAG Stands For : N-acetylglucosamine | narrow-angle glaucoma | National Advisory Groups | neutral alpha-glucosidase | N Acetyl Glucosamine | Nominations and Awards Group (of BVA) |
NAGPTNAGPT Stands For : National Association of General Practice Tutors |
NAHATNAHAT Stands For : National Association of Hospital Authorities and Trusts (obsolete) |
NAHFMNAHFM Stands For : National Association of Health and Facilities Managers |
NAHSPONAHSPO Stands For : National Association of Health Service Personnel Officers |
NAHSPRONAHSPRO Stands For : National Association of Health Service Public Relations Officers |
NALTNALT Stands For : nasopharynx-associated lymphoid tissue in the eye | nose-associated lymphoid tissue in the eye |
NAONAO Stands For : nucleus-associated organelle | Nasal Airway Obstruction |
NAPENAPE Stands For : N-acyl phosphatidylethanolamine |
NAPMECANAPMECA Stands For : National Association of Postgraduate Medical Education Centre Administration | This term got 29 hits on 22102011 |
NASNAS Stands For : Narcotics Assistance Section | National Acceptor Survey | Normative Aging Study | No Abnormality Seen | National Academy of Sciences | Nucleus Accumbens Septum | Neonatal Abstinence Syndrome | Normative Aging Study |
NASPNASP Stands For : National Application Service Provider | National Association for Shoplifting Prevention |
NATNNATN Stands For : National Association of Theatre Nurses | National Association of Training Nurses | This term got 24 hits on 22102011 |
NatPaCT Programme XXNatPaCT Programme XX Stands For : National Primary and Care Trust Development Programme |
NatPaCT XXNatPaCT XX Stands For : National Primary and Care Trust Development |
NAWCHNAWCH Stands For : National Association for the Welfare of Children in Hospital |
NBNB Stands For : notified body | Neuroblastoma | New Born | Newborn | Nose Bleed |
NBTCNBTC Stands For : National Blood Transfusion Committee |
NBTSNBTS Stands For : National Blood Transfusion Service (obsolete |
NCANCA Stands For : National Cancer Act | National Council on Aging | National Council on Alcoholism | nested clade analysis | neurocirculatory asthenia | neutrophil chemotactic activity | nevus cell aggregate | non contract activity | noncompetitive antagonist | nonspecific cross-reacting antigen | nuclear cerebral angiogram | numerical chromosomal abnormalities | nurse-controlled analgesia | Nursing Competence in Aging |
NCAANCAA Stands For : National Clinical Assessment Authority (NCAS) |
NCAS XXNCAS XX Stands For : National Clinical Assessment Service |
NCATNCAT Stands For : National Clinical Advisory Team | neurocognitive assessment tool | NormoCephalic ATraumatic |
NCCANCCA Stands For : National Centre For Clinical Audit (absorbed by National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence‰ÛÒNIC) | National Commission for Certification of Acupuncturists (USA) | National Community Care Alliance | This term got 32 hits on 22102011 on lists of abbreviations and acronyms and thus assumed to be retired |
NCCGNCCG Stands For : non consultant career grade |
NCCG doctorNCCG doctor Stands For : non consultant career grade doctor |
NCCSDONCCSDO Stands For : National Coordinating Centre for Service Delivery and Organisation (Research and Development | This term got 74 hits on 22102011 |
NCENCE Stands For : Na+/Ca2+ exchange | national certification examination | National Confidential Enquiry | National Counselor Examination for Licensure and Certification negative contrast echocardiography | net current expenditure | noncontact erection | normal cervical epithelium |
NCEPOD XXNCEPOD XX Stands For : National Confidential Enquiry into Patient Outcome and Death or National Confidential Enquiry into Perioperative Death |
NCIENCIE Stands For : nonbullous congenital ichthyosiform erythroderma |
NCINNCIN Stands For : National Cancer Intelligence Network |
NCISHNCISH Stands For : National Confidential Inquiry into Suicide and Homicide (by people with Mental Illness) |
NCLNCL Stands For : National Civic League (!) | National Clinical Lead | neuronal ceroid lipofuscinosis | non-coronary leaflet | nonrandom chromosome loss | Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory | Neuronal Ceroid Lipofuscinoses |
NCMONCMO Stands For : National Casemix Office |
NCMPNCMP Stands For : National Child Measurement Programme |
NCPCNCPC Stands For : National Council for Palliative Care |
NCRINCRI Stands For : National Cancer Research Institute | norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor |
ncRNAncRNA Stands For : non-coding RNA (ribonucleic acid) |
NCRPNCRP Stands For : National Clinical Reference Panel |
NCRSNCRS Stands For : National Care Record System |
NCSCNCSC Stands For : National Care Standards Commission (abolished in 2004; its functions were transferred to Care Quality Commission) |
NCTFSNCTFS Stands For : North Central Thames Foundation School |
NCVNCV Stands For : nasal cavity volume | National Centre for Volunteering (obsolete) | non-cholera Vibrio | Nerve Conduction Velocity |
NCVONCVO Stands For : National Council for Voluntary Organisations |
NDA/BLANDA/BLA Stands For : New Drug Application/Biologic License Application |
NEATNEAT Stands For : New and Emerging Applications of Technology | NHS Estate Action Toolkit | Non Exercise Activity Thermogenesis |
NECNEC Stands For : necrotising enterocolitis | neuroendocrine carcinoma | neuroendocrine cell | nonesterified cholesterol | Nursing Ethics Committee | not elsewhere classified | NECrosis | Necrotizing EnteroColitis | Neuro Emotional Complex |
NEDNED Stands For : neuroectodermal dysplasia | neuroendocrine differentiation | no effort detected | normal equivalent deviation | No Evident Disease | No evidence of disease | New Eating Disorder | No evidence of disease |
NEETNEET Stands For : not in education |
NeLHNeLH Stands For : National electronic Library For Health |
NELHINELHI Stands For : National Electronic Library for Health Information |
NESNES Stands For : National Enhanced Service | neuroendocrine syndrome | neurological evaluation scale | NHS Education for Scotland | non-epileptic seizure | nuclear export sequence |
NETNET Stands For : nerve excitability test | neuroendocrine tumour | new and emerging technologies | non-equilibrium thermodynamics | National Emphysema Treatment | Neuro Emotional Technique |
NETFSNETFS Stands For : North East Thames Foundation School |
NEWSNEWS Stands For : Nights |
NEXNEX Stands For : number of excitations | Nose Ear And Xiphoid |
NFNF Stands For : natriuretic factor | necrotising fasciitis | neointima formation | neural fold | neurofibroma | neurofibromatosis | neurofilament | neurotrophic factor | Nissen fundoplication | nitrofurazone | nodular fasciitis | non-functioning | normal for | Nuffield Foundation | Nursing Facility | necrotizing fasciitis | National Formulary | NeuroFibromatoses |
NFDNFD Stands For : nephrogenic fibrosing dermopathy |
NFINFI Stands For : National Fraud Initiative | near field imaging | nerve function impairment | neurofibromatosis I | Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory | National Fisheries Institute (USA) |
NFWNFW Stands For : no further work | nursed fairly well |
NGEDCNGEDC Stands For : National Genetics Education and Development Centre |
NGONGO Stands For : Non-governmental organisation | Non-Government Organization | Neisseria GOnorrhoeae |
NHAIS XXNHAIS XX Stands For : National Health Applications and Infrastructure Services |
NHLSNHLS Stands For : National Health Laboratory Service |
NHSNHS Stands For : National Health Scheme | National Health Service (Great Britain) | National Health Service (NHS) | National Health Service Executive (abolished 2002) | National Health Survey | National Hospice Study | NHS Professionals | NHS Supplies | NHS Training Division | normal healthy subject | normal human skin | Nurses‰Ûª Health Study | This term got 15 hits on 22102011 in secondary sources and thus presumed to have been retired | This term got 34 hits on 22102011 | National Health Service (UK) | Non-Hospital Surgery | National Health Service | Nurses Health Study< |
NHS ACNHS AC Stands For : NHS Appointments Commission |
NHS ARNHS AR Stands For : NHS Administrative Register |
NHS BSANHS BSA Stands For : NHS Business Services Authority |
NHS BSPNHS BSP Stands For : NHS Breast Screening Programme |
NHS CANHS CA Stands For : NHS Consultants Association |
NHS CBNHS CB Stands For : NHS Commissioning Board |
NHS CCNHS CC Stands For : NHS Coding and Classification |
NHS CCCNHS CCC Stands For : NHS Coding and Classification |
NHS CfHNHS CfH Stands For : NHS Connecting for Health |
NHS CPTNHS CPT Stands For : NHS Community Practice Teacher |
NHS CRNHS CR Stands For : NHS Central Register |
NHS CRDNHS CRD Stands For : NHS Centre for Reviews and Dissemination |
NHS CRSNHS CRS Stands For : NHS Care Records Service |
NHS CSPNHS CSP Stands For : NHS Cancer Screening Programme |
NHS CTANHS CTA Stands For : NHS Clinical Trials Adviser |
NHS DNHS D Stands For : NHS Direct |
NHS ENHS E Stands For : National Health Service Estates |
NHS EEDNHS EED Stands For : NHS Economic Evaluation Database |
NHS EHUNHS EHU Stands For : NHS Ethnic Health Unit |
NHS FTNHS FT Stands For : NHS Foundation Trust (Foundation Trust) |
NHS INHS I Stands For : NHS Institute |
NHS IANHS IA Stands For : NHS Information Authority |
NHS ICNHS IC Stands For : NHS Information Centre |
NHS IMCNHS IMC Stands For : NHS Information Centre |
NHS KSFNHS KSF Stands For : NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (Simplified Knowledge and Skills Framework) |
NHS LANHS LA Stands For : NHS Litigation Authority |
NHS LIFTNHS LIFT Stands For : NHS Local Improvement Finance Trust |
NHS MENHS ME Stands For : NHS Management Executive (Scotland) |
NHS MEENHS MEE Stands For : NHS Medical Education England |
NHS PNHS P Stands For : NHS Partners |
NHS PANHS PA Stands For : NHS Pensions Agency (subsumed into NHS Business Services Authority) |
NHS PASANHS PASA Stands For : NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency |
NHS PSANHS PSA Stands For : NHS Purchasing and Supply Agency |
NHS Q&PCNHS Q&PC Stands For : NHS Quality & Productivity Challenge |
NHS QISNHS QIS Stands For : NHS Quality Improvement Scotland |
NHS SNHS S Stands For : NHS Scotland |
NHS SBNHS SB Stands For : NHS South Birmingham |
NHS SBSNHS SBS Stands For : NHS Shared Business Services |
NHS SCAGNHS SCAG Stands For : NHS Security and Confidentiality Advisory Group |
NHS SSNHS SS Stands For : NHS Superannuation Scheme |
NHS TNHS T Stands For : NHS Trust |
NHS TDNHS TD Stands For : NHS Training Directorate |
NHS TFNHS TF Stands For : NHS Trust Federation |
NHS TUNHS TU Stands For : NHS Training Unit |
NHS UNHS U Stands For : NHS University (obsolete) |
NHS WMSHANHS WMSHA Stands For : NHS West Midlands Strategic Health Authority |
NHS&CCANHS&CCA Stands For : NHS and Community Care Act 1990 |
NHS(S)NHS(S) Stands For : NHS (Scotland) |
NHSPNHSP Stands For : National Healthy Schools Programme |
NINI Stands For : name identity | Narcotrend Index | National Indicator | natural immunity | necroinflammatory | necrosis index | negative ion | neointima | neostriatum intermedium | neural invasion | neuraminidase inhibition | neurogenic inflammation | neuroimaging | neurointermediate | neurologic impairment | neurologic improvement | neurologically impaired | neurologically intact | neutralization index | nicotine | nifedipine | nimesulide | nitrogen index | nitrogen intake | noise index | non-invasive | nonischemic | nosocomial infection | not isolated | nuclea |
NIASNIAS Stands For : Northern Ireland Ambulance Service |
NICARENICARE Stands For : Northern Ireland Centre for Health Care Cooperation and Development | This term got 5 hits on 22102011 and thus assumed to have been retired from active use |
NICENICE Stands For : National Institute for Health & Clinical Excellence (NICE) | National Institute of Clinical Excellence | National Institute Of Clinical Examiners | National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (UK) | Nationwide Instruction for Cardiovascular Education | National Intensive Care Evaluation | National Institute for Clinical Excellence |
NICE CHTE XXNICE CHTE XX Stands For : National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence Centre for Health Technology Evaluation |
NICSNICS Stands For : National Institute of Clinical Studies | neuro-immuno-cutaneous system | Northern Ireland Civil Service |
NICVANICVA Stands For : Northern Ireland Council for Voluntary Action |
NIGB XXNIGB XX Stands For : National Information Governance Board for Health and Social Care |
NIHRNIHR Stands For : National Institute for Health Research |
NIHR CSP XXNIHR CSP XX Stands For : National Institute of Health Research Coordinated System for gaining NHS Permission |
NIMHENIMHE Stands For : National Institute for Mental Health in England |
NIMMNIMM Stands For : NHS Infrastructure Maturity Model |
NINNIN Stands For : National Intervention Network | non-invasive neoplasia | Nine Inch Nails |
NINoNINo Stands For : National Insurance Number |
NIRBNIRB Stands For : non-institutional review board |
NISPNISP Stands For : National Infrastructure Service Provider |
NIVNIV Stands For : National Institute for Virology | Non-Invasive Ventilation |
NLHNLH Stands For : National Library For Health (NHS Evidence) | nodular lymphoid hyperplasia |
NLMSNLMS Stands For : National Learning Management System |
NLOPNLOP Stands For : NPfIT (National Programme for IT) Local Ownership Programme | This term got 57 hits on 22102011 |
NMACNMAC Stands For : National Malaria Advisory Committee | National Medical Advisory Committee |
NMASNMAS Stands For : National Messaging Assurance Service |
NMDNMD Stands For : Naturopathic Medical Doctor |
NMENME Stands For : National Medical Enterprises | necrolytic migratory erythema | neuromuscular efficiency | North |
NMETNMET Stands For : non-medical education and training |
NMHDUNMHDU Stands For : National Mental Health Development Unit |
NMISNMIS Stands For : Nurse Management Information System | This term got 51 hits on 29112011 |
NMPNMP Stands For : nerve-muscle pedicle | non medical prescribers | normal menstrual period | nuclear matrix protein | nucleoside monophosphate | N-Methyl Pyrrolidone | Novel Membrane Protein |
NN4BNN4B Stands For : NHS Numbers for Babies |
NNTNNT Stands For : new national target | Numbers Needed to Treat | number needed to treat |
NOFNOF Stands For : National Obesity Forum | National Opportunities Fund | National Osteopathic Foundation | neurite outgrowth factor | Neck Of Femur |
NOMISNOMIS Stands For : National Online Manpower Information Service |
NOSNOS Stands For : National Occupational Standards | nitric oxide synthase | no organisms seen | non-organ specific | not on staff | Neonatal Opium Solution | Not Otherwise Specified - other eating disorder | Not Otherwise Specified | No Obvious Syndrome | Not Otherwise Specified |
NPNP Stands For : N protein | nasal polyp | national priorities | National Program | National Programme | natriuretic peptide | nerve palsy | neural plate | neuritic plaque | neuropathic pain | neuropathy | neuropeptide | Niemann-Pick | nitrogen-phosphorus | nitroprusside | non-principal | nonapeptide | nonhistone protein | nonparametric | normal-phase | nosocomial pneumonia | not present | nucleoside phosphorylase | nucleotide pair | nucleus pulposus | Nucleotide Protein | nasal pack | nasopharyngeal | neuropsychiatric | Nasopharynx | Needle Punch | NeuroPathol |
NPANPA Stands For : nasopharyngeal aspirate | National Pharmacy Association | National Prostate Association | near field accommodation | neutral protease activity | Nurse Practice Act | NasoPharyngeal Airway | New Pheromone Additive | National Pig Association |
NPATNPAT Stands For : National Patients‰Ûª Access Team |
NPCNPC Stands For : National Population Council | National Prescribing Centre | nearpoint of convergence | net present cost (!) | net protein catabolism | no prenatal care | no present complaint | nodal premature contraction | non-parenchymal cells | non-protein calories | normal phase chromatography | nucleoprotein complex | nutritional prevention of cancer | National Prescriptions Collaborative | no prior chemotherapy | NasoPharyngeal Carcinoma | Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma | National Prescriptions Collaborative | No Previous Complaint |
NPCRDCNPCRDC Stands For : National Primary Care Research and Development Centre |
NPfITNPfIT Stands For : National Programme for IT |
NPGNPG Stands For : National Priorities Guidance | neuropeptide gamma | NIOSH Pocket Guide to Chemical Hazards | nonpolypoid growth | normal pressure glaucoma | nurses‰Ûª professional group | The ‰ÛÏlong form‰Û of the above is: Modernising Health and Social Services: National Priorities Guidance‰Û?now you can sleep |