BLROA Stands For : British Laryngological
BLROABLROA Stands For : British Laryngological | BLOSSBLOSS Stands For : Beta Blocker Length Of Stay Study |
BLMBLM Stands For : basolateral membrane | bilayer lipid membrane | bimolecular lipid membrane | black lipid mmbrane | bleomycin | BLEO-MOPPBLEO-MOPP Stands For : bleomycin |
BLSBLS Stands For : backward light scatter | barbaric life support (medical slang) | bare lymphocyte syndrome | big liver and spleen* | blind loop syndrome | blood and lymphatic system | Basic Life Support | BMBM Stands For : Bureau of Medicine | Back Mutation | Bulged Mutated | Basal Medium | Beneficial Microorganisms | Biological Molecular | Bump Mapping | Bachelor of Medicine | black male | Blood Monitoring | Bone Marrow | Basal Metabolism | Basement Membrane | Basilar Membrane | Blood Mage | Body Mass | Bone Marrow | Bowel Movement | Buccal Mass | BuccoMesial | Bowel Movement | Badbreed Member | Beta Male | Black Mamba |
BMABMA Stands For : Brugia malayi antigen | Bone Marrow Aspiration | Bone Marrow Aspirate | Biological Movement Artifact | British Medical Association | British Medical Association | British Medical Association | BMAASBMAAS Stands For : Birmingham Memory Assessment & Advisory Service |
BMBS XXBMBS XX Stands For : Bachelor of Medicine/Bachelor of Surgery | BMCISBMCIS Stands For : Building Maintenance Cost Information System |
BMEBME Stands For : benign myoclonic epilepsy | beta-mercaptoethanol | bone marrow examination | BLEO-COMFBLEO-COMF Stands For : bleomycin |
BLCCBBLCCB Stands For : Black Country Local Collaborative Commissioning Board | BLCBLC Stands For : B lymphoblastic cells | basolateral complex | biceps labral complex | blood lead concentration |
BIRBIR Stands For : baculoviral IAP repeat | break-induced replication | British Institute of Radiology | Break-Induced Replication | Biomedical Imaging Resource | BIRDBIRD Stands For : Bolus vs Infusion Rescupase Development |
BIRRUBIRRU Stands For : benign idiopathic recurrent rectal ulceration | BISBIS Stands For : Barratt Impulsivity Scale | bioimpedance spectroscopy | Body Image Scale | Brain Information Service | Brain Injury Society | British Infection Society | budesonide inhalation suspension | building illness syndrome See Sick building syndrome | Business Intelligence System | Bismuth | Twice |
BISHBISH Stands For : Borderline isolated systolic hypertension | BIVDABIVDA Stands For : BIVDA British In Vitro Diagnostics Association |
BKMBKM Stands For : Bundle Key Milestone | BLASBLAS Stands For : beta lactam antibiotic sensitivity | Bronx Longitudinal Aging Study |
BLASPBLASP Stands For : Barbados Low-dose Aspirin Study in Pregnancy | BLATBLAT Stands For : Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging | BLAST-Like Alignment Tool (BLAT) Molecular biology |
BIPBIP Stands For : bacterial intravenous protein | behavioural intervention plan | Bezafibrate Infarction Prevention study | Biparietal diameter | bismuth iodoform paraffin | bleomycin | bronchiolitis obliterans with usual interstitial pneumonitis | BMedBiol XXBMedBiol XX Stands For : Bachelor of Medical Biology |
BNIBNI Stands For : Beneficiary Notices Initiative | bladder neck incision | BNPBNP Stands For : B natriuretic peptide | bladder non-palpable | Brain Natriuretic Peptide | B-natriuretic peptide |
BNRTBNRT Stands For : Birmingham Neuro Rehabilitation Team | BNSBNS Stands For : Belfast Nifedipine Study | bladder neck stenosis | bladder neck suspension |
BOBO Stands For : base out Ophthalmology | body odour | bowel | BasiOccipital | Blacked Out | Body Odor | Bowel Obstruction | Bucco-Occlusal | BOABOA Stands For : behavioural observation audiometry | British Orthopaedic Association | British Oncology Association | Born On Arrival |
BOAPBOAP Stands For : bleomycin | BOASBOAS Stands For : Bank of America Study |
BODBOD Stands For : bacterial oxygen demand | Bcl-2-related Ovarian Death gene (Bim) | biological oxygen demand | Biochemical Oxygen Demand | Biochemical Oxygen Demand | Barometer Of Decomposition | Basic Oxygen Demand | Biochemical Oxygen Demand | Biologically Optimal Dose | BODMABODMA Stands For : British Oncology Data Managers‰Ûª Association | British Oncology Data Managers Association | British Oncology Data Managers Association |
BNEDBNED Stands For : Biochemical no evidence of disease | BNABNA Stands For : British Nursing Association | bronchoscopic needle aspiration | Basle Nomina Anatomica |
BMTBMT Stands For : Bachelor | Bismuth | Bone Marrow Transplant | Bone Marrow Transplant | Bone Marrow Transplant | Barium Meal Test | Basal Metabolic Temperature | Bilateral Myringotomy Tubes | Bone Marrow Transplant | Botulism Most Terrible | BMedSci XXBMedSci XX Stands For : Bachelor of Medical Science |
BMERBMER Stands For : Black Minority Ethnic and Refugee | BMIBMI Stands For : biomedical informatics | bone marrow infiltration | bone marrow involvement | Birmingham Medical Institute | body mass index | Body Mass Index | body-mass index |
BMISBMIS Stands For : bone marrow immunoscintigraphy | British Medical Informatics Society | BMPBMP Stands For : BCNU | Basic Membrane Protein | Basic Metabolic Panel | Basic Metabolic Profile | Bone Morphogenetic Protein | Bone Morphogenetic Proteins |
BMRBMR Stands For : baseline monitoring report | body mass reduction | bone marrow remission | Blood Malnutrition Reaction | Basal Metabolic Rate | Basal Metabolic Rate | BMRCBMRC Stands For : British Medical Research Council |
BMSBMS Stands For : Bachelor of Medical Science | bare metal stent | basement membranes | biomedical scientist | bone marrow scintigraphy | Bureau of Medical Services | Bureau of Medicine and Surgery | Basal Metabolic Symptom | Burning Mouth Syndrome | BMSABMSA Stands For : British Medical Students Association |
BMSJBMSJ Stands For : British Medical Students Journal | BOFBOF Stands For : best of five | branchio-oculo-facial | branchiooculofacial syndrome | broncho oesophageal fistula |
BioResBioRes Stands For : biological and biomedical sciences research | BFTBFT Stands For : backfat thickness | Behavioural Family Therapy |
BEPBEP Stands For : benign enlargement of prostate | bleomycin | brain evoked potential | BEPSBEPS Stands For : Belgian Eminase Prehospital Study |
BESBES Stands For : back extensor strength | balanced electrolyte solution | Biologics Evaluation Section | BESSBESS Stands For : brain edema severity score |
BESTBEST Stands For : Balloon Equivalent to StenT Study | bedside evaluation and screening test (aphasia) | Belief Excellence Success & Trust Programme | Beta-blocker Evaluation of Survival Trial | Bolus dose-Escalation Study of Tissue-type plasminogen activator | Bucindolol Evaluation Survival Trial (BEST) | Bulimic Education and Support Training | Bio Energetic Stress Testing | Breast Examination Self Teaching | Bio Energetic Stress Test | Bio Energetic Synchronization Technique | BEST ICDBEST ICD Stands For : Beta-blocker Strategy plus Implantable Cardioverter Defibrillator |
BETBET Stands For : back electron transfer | Benefit Evaluation of Direct Coronary Stenting | benign epithelial tumour | benign essential tremor | bicycle exercise test | big endothelin | blood exchange transfusion | BETACARBETACAR Stands For : Betaxolol vs Carvedilol‰ÛÒongoing trial |
BETTERBETTER Stands For : Beta Radiation Trial to Eliminate Restenosis | BFBF Stands For : bentonite flocculation test | biceps femoralis | bile flow | blastogenic factor | bleeding frequency | blocking factor | breast fed | broth filtrate | buffered | burning feet syndrome | Bone Fracture | Barrier Filter | Before Food | Big Forehead | Blood Flow | Bodily Function | body fat | Bone Formation | Bone Fragment | BreastFeeding | Burn Factor | Butt Fat |
BENIRBENIR Stands For : BElgian NIR stent trial | BENEFITBENEFIT Stands For : Betaferonå¨ in newly emerging multiple sclerosis for initial treatment |
BENBEN Stands For : Balkan endemic nephropathy | benzene | Birmingham East and North PCT | BENzoic Acid | Bald Eagle Nursery | Belgian EMBnet Node (molecular biology) | BDDBDD Stands For : balanced deficit | brain dead donor | Body Dysmorphic Disorder |
BDentSciBDentSci Stands For : Bachelor of Dental Science | BDPABDPA Stands For : Bureau of Drug Policy and Administration |
BDSBDS Stands For : Blackfan-Diamond syndrome | Blessed Dementia Scale | British Driving Society (!) | British Driving Society (carriage horses) | BEACBEAC Stands For : BCNU |
BEAMBEAM Stands For : BCNU | Biomedical Equipment Assessment & Management | Bio Electric Assessment Method | Biology | Brain Electrical Activity Mapping | BEATBEAT Stands For : Best Enhanced Advanced Technology | Bucindolol Evaluation in Acute Myocardial Infarction | Boost Education of Arthritis Treatment |
BECAITBECAIT Stands For : Bezafibrate Coronary Atherosclerosis Intervention Trial | BEHAFBEHAF Stands For : British Ethnic Health Awareness Foundation |
BEMPBEMP Stands For : bleomycin | BFPBFP Stands For : bilateral facial paralysis | Blue Fluorescent Protein | Big Fat Positive | Biological False Positive | Body Fat Percentage |
BinHexBinHex Stands For : BINary HEXadecimal | BHWPBHWP Stands For : Birmingham Health and Well-being Partnership |
BI-RADSBI-RADS Stands For : Breast Imaging Reporting & Data Systems | BIABIA Stands For : background impulse activity | best interest assessor | bioelectrical impedence analysis | bioimmunoassay | biomolecular interaction analysis | business impact analysis | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis | Biological Immunity Analysis | Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis |
BICUBICU Stands For : burn intensive care unit (Burn centre) | BIDVFBIDVF Stands For : Birmingham Interagency Domestic Violence Forum |
BIGPROBIGPRO Stands For : BiGuanides for the Prevention of the Risk of Obesity study | BILCSBILCS Stands For : Birmingham Integrated Language and Communication Service |
BILDBILD Stands For : British Institute for Learning Disabilities | BIMBIM Stands For : beam intensity modulation | British Institute of Management | buffered isolation medium |
BIMMBIMM Stands For : British Institute of Musculoskeletal Medicine | BHSBHS Stands For : Bachelor of Health Science | basic health services | Beck Hopelessness Scale | beta-haemolytic streptococci | Bogalusa Heart Study | breath-holding spells | British Hip Society | British Hypertension Society | Beta Hemolytic Streptococcus | Big Hairy Spider | British Horse Society |
BHFSBHFS Stands For : Benazepril Heart Failure Study | BHFBHF Stands For : Bolivian haemorrhagic fever |
BFUBFU Stands For : burst-forming unit | BGABGA Stands For : Bermuda grass allergen | blood gas analysis | blood group antigen | brilliant green agar | Behavior Genetics Association |
BGMBGM Stands For : bedside glucose monitoring | blood glucose monitoring | Board General ManagerA Scottish term | bored general manager | BGPSBGPS Stands For : Belgian General Practitioners Study |
BGSBGS Stands For : balance | biopsy Gleason score | blood group substance | bone graft substitute | British Geriatrics Society (for Health in Old Age) | Balance | British Goat Society | BHABHA Stands For : Bachelor of Hospital Administration | bound hepatitis antigen | British Homeopathic Association | Beta Hydroxy Acid | British Hamster Association | British Horseball Association |
BHAFBHAF Stands For : Black HIV and AIDS Forum | BHATBHAT Stands For : Abbreviation for: | Beta-blocker Heart Attack Trial |
BHDBHD Stands For : BCNU | breath-hold divers | BHDVBHDV Stands For : BCNU |